Home Council of Wise Council of Wise
Council of Wise
The Chancellor of Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida and Executive Chairman of Jaypee Group has constituted an Advisory Council of eminent and distinguished academicians to guide and take Jaypee Education System to next stage of excellence in its operation, in this defining era. The composition of the Council of Wise (COW) is as follows :

Sh. Manoj Gaur, Hon. Chancellor, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, Jaypee University, Anoopshahr, Pro-Chancellor, Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, H.P and Executive Chairman, Jaypee Grou

Prof. Ashok Misra, Former Director, IIT Bombay, Former Chairman, BOG, IIT Roorkee and Former Chairman, Indian Intellectual Ventures

Dr. Satish Kumar, Former Director, NIT Kurukshetra, Former Director General, DRDO, Govt. of India

Prof. K.P. Singh, Former Director, IT-BHU (now IIT), Vice- Chancellor, VBS Purvanchal University

Prof. K. Sudha Rao, Former Vice-Chancellor, Karnataka State Open University, National Fellow-Indian Council of Social Science Research

Prof. S.C. Saxena, Pro-Chancellor, JIIT, Noida, Former Director, IIT Roorkee
The Council of wise has the following mandate:
“To guide and monitor the academic and research progress of Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (JIIT), Noida and other Jaypee Universities and to advise/ guide them on existing and new initiatives in the areas of teaching, learning, training, research, IPR, Sponsored Research Projects, upgradation of skills, association with other leading institutions in India and abroad and any other related matters and enable them to make a distinct place of themselves in the galaxy of higher technical education of India/abroad.”