Home Entrepreneurship Week 2021
Entrepreneurship Week 2021
Entrepreneurship Week 2021, Day 1
Jaypee Business School-JIIT, Noida organized Entrepreneurship Week 2021 on the focal theme on “The Success Saga of MSMEs and Start-Ups: The Growth Engine of the Indian Economy” from October 18th to 22nd October 2021. with the objective to introduce budding entrepreneur to various speakers of MSME domain and to motivate the participants to start their own venture in near future. where in budding entrepreneur will be introduced to various speakers from various domains.
The inaugural session was graced by the benign presence of Pro VC Prof (Dr. ) S.C. Saxena, VC- Prof (Dr.) Y.R. Sood, Vice Provost Prof (Dr.) Renu Luthra, Mr. Sachi Goel -President MSME and Start Ups forum Uttar Pradesh, Eminent Speaker Dr. Nayan Bheda (Member-National Board of Advisor MSME and Start-Ups Forum Bharat),Dr. Archana Shrivastava and Dr. Garima Srivastav (organiser of the Event).
The inaugural ceremony commenced with the lamp lighting followed by Saraswati Vandana.
Followed by the Overview of the one week Entrepreneurship Week 2021.
The Welcome address was presented by Vice Provost Prof (Dr.) Renu Luthra,where she expressed her gratitude to MSME and Startups forum Uttar Pradesh. She emphasized that the synergy between institutes and industry is the need of the hour. She also enlightened the audience about eminent international and national keynote speakers who would be interacting with the participants
Pro VC Prof (Dr. ) S.C. Saxena, in his Address, illuminated the audience on how JIIT is committed to promote a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation in the university. He threw a light on various initiatives such as incubation center and Institution’s Innovation Council.
Further,VC- Prof (Dr.) Y.R. Sood talked about the various government initiatives and policies for the promotion of MSMEs and startups. In his discourse he emphasized on the various challenges faced by the budding entrepreneurs and importance of making them aware of the start-up ecosystem with respect to the changing start-up-up dynamics.
This was Followed by the Address of Mr. Sachin Goel President MSME and Start Ups forum Uttar Pradesh where he motivated more and motre youngsters to come forward and start their own venture.
The Iaugral Ceremony was followed by Day 1 Session of Entrepreneurship Week 2021
Topic of the Day 1 was Secrets of Funding
Speaker for the day- Dr. Nayan Bheda (Member-National Board of Advisor MSME and Start-Ups Forum Bharat).The session created an awareness among the participants about practical and vivid insight of funding and debt. It also encouraged the emerging leaders to gain information regarding how to raise Money for venture and how to to become rich above all. The day 1 Session was highly interactive. It witnessed the energetic and huge participation.

Entrepreneurship Week 2021, Day 2
Topic of the day- Privileges and Benefits for MSME's
Speaker for the day- Shri Niranjan Kumar Jain (Chairman- National Board of Advisor MSME and Start-ups Forum-Bharat)
The session created an awareness among the participants about the schemes and policies provided by the government to the Medium & Small Sector Enterprises and the procedure to avail these benefits. It also encouraged the emerging leaders to make the best use of these policies and expand their business horizons.

Entrepreneurship Week 2021, Day 3
On the third day of the "Entrepreneurship Week, 2021" the audience was spellbound by the profound talk by Shri Amit Parikhji-Advisor Agri Food Tech Cell.The topic of his discourse was Opportunity in Agri and Food Processing Sectors. His passion for the topic and his strong desire to make a difference to his goal of improving the processes in "The farm to fork and to the International table" was evident throughout. His talk was replete with examples and JBS applauds his commitment to the cause of upliftment of the Indian farmer.
The Session was energetic, interactive, informative, rich on content which was inline with vision of Hon’ble PM Modi Ji to Double the Income of Farmers
Entrepreneurship Week 2021, Day 4
Guest speaker for the day 4-Entrepreneurship Week 2021 was Mr Kamal Chabra- Director International Relations, North America MSME & Startup's Forum Bharat, delivered a talk which was aimed at 'Gateway to Global Opportunities' where he enlightened the students with different tools, tips and resources for better placement opportunities.
Further, he also enlightened the participants on tools for business startups, targeting the business market, and resources for business startups abroad.

Entrepreneurship Week 2021, Day 5
Day-5 & Valedictory session of Entrepreneurship Week 2021, started with the session of very eloquent and eminent Speaker Ms. Preety Srivastava. The topic of her discourse was Spirit of Entrepreneurship.
During her deliberation she motivated participants to start their own venture she also introduced them with some very critical aspects of an enterprise and also challenges of the business world.
The session was followed by the closing Remark Mr. Sachin Goel -President MSME and Start Ups forum Uttar Pradesh and Vice Provost Prof (Dr.) Renu Luthra, wherein she emphasised on the importance of MSME sector and benefits of having one’s own venture. This was followed by vote of Thanks Proposed by Dr. Garima Srivastav (organiser of the event).