Home Faculty Core Faculty – JBS Dr. Richa Chauhan
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Name : Dr. Richa Chauhan
Qualifications : Ph.D. (Management), MBA (HRM & Marketing), M. Com (BADM), B.Sc, UGC-NET
Work Experience : 13+ Years
Research Interests : Emotional Intelligence, Spirituality, Indigenous Management, Consumer Behaviour
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Dr. Richa Chauhan, currently working with JBS Noida, has over 13 years of enriching research and academic experience. She has earned her Bachelor’s degree in Science from Rajasthan University, Jaipur. Subsequently, she achieved her M.B.A from ICFAI University, Dehradun and PhD in Management from Banasthali Vidyapith. She has qualified UGC-NET in Management discipline. She strongly believes the role of an academician is not only to nurture young minds to bring in a fundamental change in approach to problem-solving but also to embark upon constant research endeavours for the development of the industry and society at large.
- Rekha, Bangur, P. & Chauhan, R. (2023). A study of Motivational Aspects that influences Women Entrepreneurship with special reference to Rajasthan" Pacific Business Review International,15(7), January, 2023, ISSN 0974-438X (Indexed in WOS)
- Chauhan, R., Kaul, V., & Maheshwari, N. (2022). Impact of emotional intelligence on job performance of nurses with mediating effect of job satisfaction. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 17(2), 1-8. (Indexed in Scopus, ABDC "C")
- Chauhan, R. (2022). " Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with mediating effect of Workplace Spirituality" Pacific Business Review International,15(1), July, 2022, ISSN 0974-438X (Indexed in WOS)
- Chauhan, R., & Maheshwari, N. (2023). Interactive approach of individual and organisational spirituality and managing organisational misbehaviour: a proposed theoretical model. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 28(2), 176-197. (Indexed in WOS)
- Ramesh, V. & Chauhan, R. (2021). "Gender Discrimination and Glass Ceiling in the International University in UAE" Pacific Business Review International, 13(11), May, 2021, ISSN 0974-438X (Indexed in WOS)
- Chauhan, R., & Maheshwari, N. (2021). An Integrative Approach for Wellness: An assessment of potential of Ayurveda during COVID-19 pandemic. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 16(2), 100-108. (Indexed in Scopus, ABDC "C")
- Chauhan, R. & Maheshwari, N. (2020). Role of Emotional Intelligence in Determining Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Performance: Special Reference to Banking Employees of the Rajasthan Region. Pacific Business Review International, 13(5) (Indexed in WOS)
- GOSWAMI, N. G., CHAUHAN, R., & NIGAM, S. (2020). Guna (Behavioural Qualities) as a means to promote Emotional Intelligence in the Academic Success of University Students in India. Finance India, 34(2). (Indexed in Scopus, ABDC "C")
- Chauhan, R., Maheshwari, N., & Goswami, N. G. (2020). Role of Guna and emotional intelligence on work-life balance and job satisfaction among female professionals. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 21(3), 303-316. (Indexed in WOS)
- Chauhan, R., Rani, Rishika, Pranali (2020). VUCA World and Environmental Law. Rehabilitation.24(3), International 1607-1611, Journal ISSN of Psychosocial 1457-7192, DOI: 10.37200/IJPR/V24I3/PR200908 (Indexed in Scopus)
- Goswami, N., Chauhan, R., Pareek, N. (2019). A study with reference to educational sector: VUCA and talent management practices. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST),28(13), 364-371, ISSN 2005-4238 (Indexed in Scopus)
- Pareek, N., Chauhan, R., Goswami, N. (2019). Technology in Banking Sector and its Impact on Customer Relationship Management: Leading to VUCA Trends. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems (JARDCS). (Indexed in Scopus)
Book Chapters:
- Chauhan, R., Kaul, V., & Maheshwari, N. (2022). Indian indigenous knowledge system: Sustainable approach toward waste management. In Emerging Trends to Approaching Zero Waste (pp. 37-57). Elsevier.
- Chauhan, R., & Kaul, V. (2022). Human Resource Resurgence Post-COVID Aftermath. In HR 4.0 Practices in the Post-COVID-19 Scenario. CRC Press. Model
- Chauhan, R., & Kaul, V. (2022). Blockchain Technology: Unlocking the Business Maze for Evolving Businesses and Start-Up. In Transformations Through Blockchain Technology (pp. 291-309). Springer, Cham.
- Chauhan, R., & Kaul, V. (2021). Blockchain Technology: A Panacea for Medical Distribution Ailments. In Blockchain for Healthcare Systems (pp. 43 60). CRC Press.
- Chauhan, R., & Maheshwari, N. (2021). Strengthening the Retention Rate of Massive Open Online Courses through Emotional Intelligence and Intrinsic Motivation. In Transforming Higher Education Through Digitalization (pp. 277-292). CRC Press.
- Chauhan, R., Maheshwari, N. (2020). Emotional Intelligence and its impact on Occupational performance. Business Management & Social Innovation, Bloomsbury
Case Studies:
- SAGE Business Cases - Oxolloxo: Repositioning an Apparel Brand Through Social Media Intervention. https://sk.sagepub.com/cases/oxolloxo repositioning-apparel-brand-social-media-intervention
- SAGE Business Cases - Reducing Employee Attrition Using Insights from Workforce Analytics. https://sk.sagepub.com/cases/reducing-employee attrition-using-insights-from-workforce-analytics
Paper Presented in National & International Conferences:
- Paper titled “A comprehensive literature review on the intervention of mental health mobile applications in selected sectors: with special reference to Covid-19.” in International Conference, K.R. Mangalam University, Gurugram, Haryana 20-21, October 2022.
- Paper titled “Quality of life and Work Life Balance: A Literature Review” in International Conference, University of Engineering and Management, 01-02, April 2022.
- Paper titled “Guna (Behavioural Qualities) Emotional Intelligence and Academic Success of University Students in India” in International Management Conference, GLA University, Mathura, 10-11, January 2020.
- Presented a research poster An Initiative by Government of India “PRAGATI”: Ensuring proactive Governance and Timely Implementation” in a PAN IIM Conference, New Delhi, Organised by IIM Rohtak, December 12-14, 2019.
- Research poster Guna (Behavioural Qualities) Emotional Intelligence and Academic Success of University Students in India” in in an international conference, ?The Science of Consciousness Conference'' at Interlaken from June 25 to June 28, 2019
- Research Poster titled “An empirical study of Guna, Emotional Intelligence and Work Life Balance among working women” in a National Conference at Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi 19th Jan 2019.
- Paper titled “The Impact of Guna and Emotional Intelligence on Work-life Balance among Female Professionals of Deemed Universities” in an International Conference at Amity University, Noida 27-28th Feb 2019.
- Paper titled “Significance of Creating a sustainable workforce in the organization" in the international conference (BICON 2018 Co-sponsored by ICSSR) at Biyani Girls College, Jaipur, 25-28th Nov. 2019.
- Paper titled “Urbanization in Rajasthan” in the National Seminar on Role of Urbanization in the context of Futuristic Socio Economic Development (Sponsored by U.G.C.) at Shri Khandelwal Vaish PG Girls College, Jaipur on 3rd Oct. 2018.
- Paper titled “The effect of the degree of optimism and work stress of salespersons on their performance” in the second PAN IIM World Management Conference at IIM Kozhikode (IIMK), 5-8th Nov.2014
- Best Research Paper Award for the paper titled “An Exploratory Study of The Ashrama System: With Special Focus On Financial Aspect” in the 13th International Conference organized by IES’s MCRC on February 28, 2023.
- Co-PI for research project undertaken by National Centre for Corporate Governance, Banasthali Vidyapith with support from National Foundation for Corporate Governance. A study report entitled “Governance Lessons from Ancient and Contemporary times insights from Life stories of Women Leaders”.
- Acted as a Resource person in developing a video-based module on the topic entitled "New Areas of Policy Research for Management Teachers” for the Annual Refresher Programme In Teaching (ARPIT) at Banasthali Vidyapith for the year 2019 and 2020. This module has been uploaded oh the SWAYAM Portal.
- FDP at Indian Institute of Management, Indore (IIMI) from 16th April – 22nd May 2018.
- Keynote speaker and Session Co-Chair in International conference on Global Prospects & Future trends organized by Poddar group of institutions, Jaipur on 4th Feb 2019
- Member for content development for Postgraduate Diploma in Integrative Spiritual care (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)