Home Faculty Core Faculty – JBS Dr. Shivani Kapoor
JBS Faculty

Name : Dr. Shivani Kapoor
Qualifications : Ph.D. (Strategic Human Resource Management ), M.B.A, B.Com
Work Experience : 20 years
Research Interests : Stress Management, Psychological Wellbeing, Communication and SHRM
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Dr. Shivani Kapoor is a Ph.D. in Strategic Human Resource Management and an MBA from the University of Allahabad. Her areas of interest include organizational Behaviour, Communication, Soft Skills, and Strategic Human Resource Management.
She has more than 20 years of teaching, training and research experience at leading institutions. Dr. Kapoor is a passionate and dedicated professional who enjoys learning new things and interacting with different types of personalities.
Dr. Kapoor has written and presented research papers in India and abroad. She has won awards for authoring case studies and research papers. She has represented her organisation across the country as a speaker and panellist in her area of expertise.
Publications in National and International Journals
- "Do Home Quarantine Individuals Suffer from Claustrophobia and Anxiety During COVID-19 Pandemic?”, Cogent Psychology (Taylor & Francis Online ), 2022, Volume 3, Issue 8, ISSN 2331-1908.
- “Netflix In India: Expanding To Success” Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies ID EEMCS-10-2019-0285.R5, 2021, SCOPUS indexed Journal
Ø “Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management Practice On Employee Productivity In U.P: An Empirical Study”, “SHODH" Journal of Management, Technology and Social Sciences, 2014, ISSN 2249-152X
- “The Significance of Strategic Human Resource Management –A Literature Review”, Review Of Professional Management, Jan-June, 2012, Volume 10, Issue1, ISSN: 0972-8686
- “Leadership Challenges at Transcends” , Responsible Leadership, Excellent Publication House, New Delhi, 2012, ISBN:978-93-81583-73-9
- “The Project Jal Dhara”, European Case Clearing House (ECCH), Cranfield University, UK, 2012. Reference no.6120181
- “Gaining Leverage from Supply Chain to Maximize Profits”, International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, 2012, Volume 3, Issue 8, ISSN: 0976-2183
- “CRM: A Competitive Tool for Indian Banking Sector”, IBIMA, July, Malaysia. Communications, 2008, Volume 5, Number 21,USA. ISSN: 1943-7765
- “Evaluating the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Training and Development Programmes”, Research Methods in Business and Management, Shree Distributors and Publishers, New Delhi, 2009, ISBN: 978-81-8329- 362-4 (Chapter in Book)
- “Tata International Limited: Expanding Leather Footwear in India”, case study 2022, (Communicated)
- “Apple Inc.: Value Vs. Price In India”, case study, 2022(Communicated )
- “Factors Affecting Usage of Plastic Money in India”, research paper 2022, (Communicated)
Papers Published in Conference Proceeding
- Attributes Affecting Psychological Well Being Among Faculty Members in Online Teaching Environment”, Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2021,ISSN: 2821-5672.
- “Study of Employee Outlook Towards HR Policies In The Changing Scenario”, Advances in Management & Decision Sciences, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, 2015 ISBN: 978-93-84935-37-5
- “Customer Experience of Organized Retail in India” Contemporary Issues in Marketing Faculty of Management Studies Pacific University, Udaipur, 2015, ISBN: 978-93-5174-027-8
- Management Role In Handling Stress : Employee Perspective”, Paradigm for Sustainable Business: People, Planet, and Profit, Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee, 2013, ISBN: 978-93-81583-94-4
- “Changing Trends and Consumption Pattern of Youth”, Emerging Paradigms and Practice in Information & Communication Technology and Management, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, 2012, ISSN 1941- 9414
- “Role of Consultancy Firm in Developing Human Capital”, Innovative Strategies For Transforming Organizations, Indraprastha University, Delhi, 2012, ISBN: 978-81-8424-800-5
- “Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility with Business: An Indian Perspective”, Emerging Paradigms in Marketing, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi, 2012, ISBN: 978-93-81505-42-7
- “Relationship of Quality of Work Life and Productivity: An Empirical Study”, November 2011, Middlesex University, Dubai. ISBN: 978-9948-16-372-5
- “Customers Perception Towards Investment in Insurance Sector in India”, Gaber, December 2008, Bangkok. ISSN: 1940-5391
Papers Presented in Conference
- “Antecedents and Impact of Workplace Cyberbullying: A Systematic Literature Review” 7th International Conference on Embracing Transformation: Innovation & Creation 2022, organized by Kodolanyi Janos University, Hungary and Tradepreneur Global Academic Platform, U.K., May 26-28, 2022
- “ Impact of Workplace Cyberbullying on Employee Well Being”, 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Business Innovation, Technology and Social Science ( ICBITSS2-2022) organized by School of Management, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, May 24-25 May, 2022
- “Attributes Affecting Psychological Well Being Among Faculty Members in Online Teaching Environment”, 13th International Conference on Managerial Challenges of the Contemporary Society (MCCS) organized by Faculty of the Economics and Business Administration, Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 4-5, 2021
- “Changing Post Covid 19 Socio Cultural and Economic Scenario”, National Conference, organized by School of Management, Doon University, Dehradun, 20-21 July, 2020
- “Leadership Responsibilities and Women Empowerment in Changing Business Scenario”, at the National Seminar on Human Security in India: Challenges and Opportunity organized by MGKV, Varanasi, February 10-11, 2018
- “Strategies Adopted by an Entrepreneur in Success of an Organization”, International Conference on Strategic Management: Delivering Business Goals organized by University Business School, Punjab University Chandigarh, December 21, 2017
- “Challenges Of Unorganized Retail In Modern India”, at the National Conference on Changing Dimensions of Business Management and Corporate Social Responsibility in Globalized Era, organized by MDU, Rohtak, September 26, 2017
- “Consumer Buying Behaviour Pattern In Changing Scenario”, at the National Conference on Social Science Research Methods: Emerging Trends and Challenges, organized by Mahatama Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi, February 11, 2017
- “Revolution in Retail: Change Dilemma at Trends”, at the National Conference on Managing the Next Generation Organizations, organized by Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, November 26-27, 2016
- “An Empirical Study of Internal Factors of Performance: An Employee Perspective”, International on Managing Responsible Research In the Human Sciences and Information Management, organized by London School of Management Education and Punjab University, Chandigarh, August 12-13, 2016
- “Non Monetary Benefits: Success Factors for Employee Satisfaction in IT Sector”, International Conference on Emerging Paradigm in Business Education and Research, organized by Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, July 29-30, 2015
- “Employees Perception of Talent Management Practices in India”, International Conference on Harnessing Engineering, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Growth, organized by Punjab University Chandigarh, September 19-20, 2014
- “3 C’s Of Strategic Human Resource Management And Its Impact On Performance”, International conference on Managing in Recovering Markets , organized by MDI Gurgaon in association with Australian Centre for Asian Business, University of South Australia, and Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Maribor, Slovenia, March 5-7, 2014
- “Opinion of Employees Towards Performance Appraisal in Retail Sector” at HSB National Conference on Business and Management, organized by Guru Jambheshwar University Of Science And Technology, Hisar, February 6-7, 2014
- Presented a paper “Human Development Through Work-Life-Balance In Knowledge Economy” ,International Conference on Human Development and Knowledge Economy, organized by Punjabi University, Patiala, February 19-20, 2013
- Presented a paper “Changing Phase of Retail In India”, International Conference on Marketing Paradigms in Emerging Economies, organized by, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, UP, December, 4- 5, 2012
- Presented a paper “Employee Perception of Talent Management Practices in India”, International Conference on Global Business Research, organized by Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Rajasthan September 20-22, 2012
- Presented a paper “Wellness Programmes and Its Effect on Employee Retention”, National Conference on Excellence in Higher Education, IIT Delhi, June 28-30, 2012
- Presented a paper “Customer Perception of Private Label Brands: Impact on Store Fidelity”, Management Convention, IIM Indore, May 3-5, 2012
- Presented a paper “Study of Customer Buying Preferences Towards Retail Revolution” , International Conference organized by K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai, India in association with School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2-3, 2011
- Presented a paper “Employer Branding A Mantra to Attract Best Talent”, International Conference organized by University Business School, Punjab University, Chandigarh, December 22-23, 2010
- Presented a paper “Employee Satisfaction A Tool for Inclusive Growth” in National Seminar on Financial Inclusion and Inclusive Growth: Prospect & Retrospect organized by School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, October 28-30, 2010
- Presented a paper “TM: The Building Blocks of Management for the 21st Century”, International Conference on Globalization and Emerging Economies, IIM Indore, August 11-13, 2008
- Presented a paper “Achieving Success in Globally Competitive Market” 3rd Conference on Global Competition and Competitiveness of Indian Corporate organized by IIM Lucknow in association with IIM Kozhikode, May 29-31, 2008
- Presented a paper “Human Resource: The Live wire of Retailing”, International Conference organized by Rajiv Academy for Technology and Management Mathura, Feb.26-28, 2007
- Presented a paper entitled “Academician’s Role and Responsibilities in Producing Professionally Groomed Management Graduates” National Conference organized by Institute of Environment and Management Lucknow, November 18, 2006
Awards and Recognition
- Best Paper Award at ICBITSS2 organized by School of Management, Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, , 2022
- Certificate of Appreciation from New Delhi Institute of Management for consecutive 7 years 2013 to 2019
- Superior Case Study Award at XLRI, Jamshedpur, 2012
- Best Faculty Award 2010 at HIT Business School, New Delhi