Home Faculty Core Faculty – JBS Dr. Divya Goel
JBS Faculty

Name : Dr. Divya Goel
Qualifications : Ph.D (HRM/OB), Jamia Millia Islamia, MBA(Kurukshetra University), B. Sc., UGC NET qualified (Management).
Work Experience : 18+ Years
Research Interests : Conflict Resolution/Conflict Management, Employee wellbeing, Quality of Work Life and related group processes
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Dr. Divya Goel is associated with Jaypee Business School as a faculty. She is an experienced faculty with 18 years of rich experience in teaching, research and administration. She is a PhD in conflict management from Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi and MBA from Department of Management, Kurukshetra University. She has taught both introductory and advanced postgraduate and undergraduate courses spanning across the various subjects related to Human resource domain and organizational behaviour. Before this assignment, she has taught in various institutes of repute as Amity University, Noida, NIET Greater Noida and AIMT, Ambala Cantt. She has contributed in research through various publications in refereed indexed journals and has published over 25 research articles in national and international journals of repute.
- Predictive role of quality of work life on employee well-being: an empirical study of selected solar power organizations of India. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 2020 (Forthcoming: In press) DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2020.10039839. (Scopus Indexed)
- Perfectionism and Employee Engagement among Management Faculty: An Empirical Study. PURUSHARTHA-A journal of Management, Ethics and Spirituality, 11(2), 2018, 74-85. (Scopus Indexed)
- Emotional Intelligence Training Workshop and its Impact on Employee Performance: An Empirical Evaluation. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(4), 2019, 647-653. (Scopus Indexed).
- Sustainable Human Resource Management: A Theoretical Perspective. International Journal of Advance and Innovative research 6(1), 2019, 69-73. (UGC listed)
- Impact of Organizational Politics on employee job performance. International Journal of Advance & Innovative Research 4 (2), 2017, 6-14. (UGC listed)
- Impact of students’ attitudes towards social media use in education on their academic performance. AIMA Journal of Management & Research, 10(2/4), 2016, 1-14.
- Personality and employee happiness: A study of working women in Delhi/NCR. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing,6(2), 2015.143-147.
- Motivational Climate and its Impact on Job Satisfaction: A Comparative Study of Private and Government B-Schools. International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science. 2(3 II), 2014, 53-60.
- The Subtle relation between Quality of work life and employee well being: A study of selected manufacturing organizations. Amity Global HRM Review- An International Research Journal of Amity International Business School, 3, 2013, 81-88.
- Relationship of organizational climate with training effectiveness: A study of selected IT organizations. Pragyaan- Journal of Management 11(2).2013, 31-40.
- Corporate Accountability to Employees: Exploring the Subtle Relation with Employee Well Being. Indian Journal of Research in Management, Business and Social Sciences (IJRMBSS), 1 (2), 2013, 68-73.
- Exploring the predictive power of demographic factors on conflict management styles of individuals: A study of Moserbaer photovoltaic Ltd. Drishtikon: A Management Journal, 3(1), 2012, 76-97.
- Excellence and Effectiveness of Management Education Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. International Journal of Business Derivatives, 1(2), 2011, 86-103.
- Shift in viewership preference in Bollywood movies. International Journal of Retailing and Marketing, 2010.
- Employee engagement & talent management practices in India’s retail sector: an empirical study. The International Journal’s Research Journal of Social science and Management, 1(7), 2011.
Conferences Attended
- XVI International Conference on “Business Sustainability in Post Pandemic Era: Resetting Strategies in Domains of People, Technology and Environment” organized by Jagannath International Management School, Delhi on 23-24 April, 2021.
- International Conference on "Managing Inflection Point in Changing Landscape: Through Technological Innovations” organized by Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad on 24th April, 2021.
- International Conference on “Sustainable Business Management Practices and Social Innovation” organised by SRDC – Vidhyanidhi CMS, Jain (Deemed-to-be University) Bengaluru on 30th January, 2021.
- Annual Human Resource Conference on “Present and Future Trends in HR Practices” organized by GL Bajaj Institute of Management & Research, Greater Noida on 23rd January 2021.
- International Conference on “Global Information and Business Strategies” organised by Gitarattan International Business School, Delhi on 9-10 January 2021.
- 3rd International Conference on “Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership” organized by Amity University, Noida from 17-19 December 2020.
- National HR Conference on “Business excellence through enhanced human capital: The changing face of people practices” organized by Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi on 30th November, 2019.
- 2nd International conference on “Global Business strategies for Sustainability GLOBUS-2019” organized by Amity School of Business on October 18,2019.
- International Conference on “Automation, Computational and Technology Management- 2019” organized by Amity University, London from 23-26 April, 2019.
- National HR Conference on “Best Business Practices in Organizations: The Critical Roles of HR”' organized by Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi on January 19, 2019.
- 2nd International Conference on “Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership,2018” organized by Amity University, Noida on 19th-21st December,2018
- International Conference on “Alchemy of Leadership for Innovation and Sustainability” organized by School of Management Science, Varanasi on 17-18 February,2018.
- International Conference on “Global Business strategies for Sustainability (GLOBUSS-2017)” organized by Amity University, Noida on 2nd November, 2017.
- 2nd International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Management, engineering, Technology and Social Sciences” organized by Indian Academicians and Researchers Association, Guwahati on 30th May, 2017.
- 10th National Research Conference on “Integrating Technology in Management Education” organized by All India Management Association (AIMA), New Delhi on 28-29 March, 2016.
- International Conference on “Psycho Social Perspectives on Health & Well Being” organized by Department of Psychology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi from 1-3 March, 2016.
- 3rd International Conference on “Nurturing Values and Strengths in Individuals and Society: Role of Psychology” jointly organized by Amity Institute of Psychology and Allied Sciences, Amity University, Noida & Indian Association of Health, Research and Welfare from 25 -27 September, 2014.
- International Conference on “Opportunities & Challenges in Management and Social Sciences” organized by Indian Academicians and Researchers Association, Guwahati on 31st July, 2014.
- International Conference on “Emerging trends in fashion, footwear and business management” organized by FDDI, Rohtak on 28-29. September, 2013.
- AICTE sponsored national seminar on “Innovation in ICT: Implications for business organizations” organized by Institute of Management Studies, Dehradun on 19-20 July, 2013.
- 6th International Conference on “Contemporary Business 2012” organized by IIT, Delhi on 18-19 October, 2012.
- National Conference on “Emerging Challenges for Sustainable Business” organized by Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee from 1-2 June, 2012.
- 2nd International Conference of “Management and Behavioral Sciences” organized by Society of Management and Behavioral Sciences, Jodhpur on 4-5 June, 2011.
- International Conference on “Relevance of Policy Reforms On Development: Challenges Before Emerging Economies” organized by the Department of Social Work, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi on 24th-26th February 2011.
- National Conference on “Quality Management in Organizations” organized by University School of Management Studies, GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi on 26th February 2010.
- National Seminar on “The alchemy of success: management practices and beyond” organized by Amity School of Business, Amity University, Noida on 21st August 2009.
- National Conference on “Violence, Peace & Conflict Resolution” organized by Department of Psychology Govt. College for Girls, Chandigarh on February 17-18, 2009.
- National Conference on “From Home to World: Work Place for Intellectual Indians: Challenges & Opportunities” organized by M.M Institute of Management, Mullana (Ambala) from Feb 11-13,2005.
Workshops & FDPs Attended
- “Five Day HR Conclave” organised by the School of Management and Social Science of Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore from 19.07.2021 to 24.07.2021
- 5 days Faculty Development Programme on “Inculcating Human Values and Professional Ethics in Students" organized by Amity Academic Staff College from 10th -14th May 2021.
- National Faculty Development Program on “E-Contents and ICT Tools for Innovative Teaching & Learning” Organized by RCP, Roorkee from 1 May to 7 May, 2021.
- 3 days Faculty Development Programme on “Mantra for Financial Wellness in the New Normal” organized by Amity School of Business, Noida on 13 ,20, 27 February, 2021
- 5-day online FDP on Universal Human Values for DEEKSHARAMBH (Student Induction Program) organized by NIT Patna during 23-27 November 2020.
- 5 days FDP on “Psychometric Testing and Analysis” organized by Ajay Kumar Garg Institute of management, Ghaziabad during 23-27 November 2020.
- Faculty Development Program on ‘Preparedness towards post pandemic teaching, learning and research’ organized by Gitarattan International Business School, Delhi from 6-18 July, 2020
- FDP on "Role of online teaching pedagogy and ICT tools in Outcome Based Education" organized by KUTS, Guntur on 25th June,2020
- Faculty Development Programme on "Research Methodology and Data Analysis using SPSS" organized by G.L Bajaj, Greater Noida on June 30, 2018
- One-week Faculty Development Programme on “Assuring Quality in Higher Education & Research: New Initiatives” conducted from July 3-8, 2017 at IITM, New Delhi.
- One-week Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methods and Data Analysis Using SPSS & AMOS “organized by JIMS, Kalkaji, New Delhi from 22-27 May, 2017.
- Workshop on “Advanced Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis” organized by Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida from July 1-7, 2012.
- One-day workshop on “SPSS in Research & Data Analysis using SPSS 18.0” organized by the Department of Psychology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi in collaboration with SPSS Inc. South Asia Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore on 7th December,2010.
- Faculty Development Programme on “Conduct and evaluation of value-added courses” organized by Amity Academic Staff College, Amity University, Noida on 24th June,2010.
- Faculty Development Programme on “Sensitization of Faculty to Deal with Students Concerns more effectively” organized by Amity Academic Staff College, Amity University, Noida from 10-11 May,2010.
- Faculty Development Programme on “Case study method of teaching” organized by Amity Academic Staff College, Amity University, Noida on 5-6 May,2010.
- Faculty Development Programme on “Effective Teaching in Higher Education” organized by Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management & Technology, Jagadhri on 9th September,2006.
- Best Research Paper Award for the paper titled “Impact of students’ attitudes towards social media use in education on their academic performance” in the 10th National Research Conference on “Integrating Technology in Management Education” organized by All India Management Association (AIMA), New Delhi on 28-29 March, 2016.
- Organised over 30 webinars/ guest sessions with industry experts from various domains.
- Organized 7 days FDP on Digital Age Education: Pedagogy for Online Teaching, Learning and Evaluation from 22nd June to 28th June,2020.
- Editorial committee member for book “Global Business strategies for Sustainability: Driving Business Excellence through Digital Transformation” 2019. Bharti Publications. ISBN: 978-81-942473-8-8.
- Co-Convenor for International Conference “Global Business strategies for Sustainability GLOBUS-2019” organized by Amity School of Business, Amity University on October 18, 2019.
- Organized HR SYMPOSIUM on “Contemporary Issues in Human Resource management in 21st Century”- 19th March, 2018.
- Co-Convenor for International Conference “Global Business strategies for Sustainability (GLOBUSS-2017)” organized by Amity University, Noida on 2nd November, 2017.
- Organized Panel Discussion on “Employee Unrest and Management Interventions” on 6th March, 2017