Home Faculty Core Faculty – JBS Dr. Rajnish Kumar Misra
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Name : Dr. Rajnish Kumar Misra
Qualifications : Ph.D. (OB), M.Psy. HRDM
Work Experience : more than 24 years
Research Interests : Employer Branding, Self & Leadership Development, Career Management.
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Dr. Rajnish Kumar Misra is currently serving as Professor (HRM & OB) and Dean (JBS). He has more than a 24 years’ experience in academics. Prior to this assignment, he has worked in IIM Rohtak, Asia-Pacific Institute of Management Delhi, KIIT University Bhubaneswar, Symbiosis University, Pune, and IIM Indore. He was also Adjunct faculty by invitation to Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK).
He has conducted several training programs for both services and manufacturing companies like Engineers India Limited, National Fertilizers Limited, Kribhco, Reserve Bank of India, United Bank India, BHEL, IFFCO, Mahanadi Coal Fields, JK Tyres, HAL; and delivered lectures at ONGC, Patni Computers Ltd., Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL – Sunabeda) and Areva T&D (ALSTOM) Limited on "Emerging Trends in Executive Career".
Dr. Misra had been conferred with career award for young teachers by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, New Delhi for his scholarly achievement for conducting a research project titled, "Career effectiveness: An empirical study of career development practices in corporate sector". He had been invited to present his paper on "Career effectiveness: Implications for Organizational Performance" in an International Conference organized by Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia in December 2005 and International Conference organized by International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB) in California, USA in January 2007.
He has been invited to share his thoughts on HR issues among HR professional at various forum of NIPM, and also among Army officers of Indian Army in their National conference in 2007.
Web of Science Researcher ID-AAC-8663-2019; ORCID-0000-0002-8660-0642; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rajnish-Misra
Papers In Refereed International Journals:
Papers in Refereed International /National Journals (Indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, ABDC):
- Agnihotri, A and Misra, R.K. (2024, July). Are top Business Schools in India assessing contemporary managerial competencies required by industry during MBA selection process? The International Journal of Management Education, Volume 22, Issue 3, 2024, 101032. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijme.2024.101032.. (Q1 Scopus). Impact Factor 6., (ABDC-C) A
- Agnihotri, A and Misra, R.K. (2022) Emotional & Technological Impact on Managerial Competencies: Outlining the Development Agenda. Development and Learning in Organization, http://doi.org/10.1002/joe.22221. (Q1-Scopus; ABDC-C).
- Dubey, S. & Misra, R.K.(2024). Perceived job attributes and intention to join among MBA students. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 17(1), 44-59. DOI: 10.17010/pijom/2024/v17i1/170159 (Scopus).
- Rounak, S. & Misra, R.K. (2022). Employee Value Proposition attributes, exchange ideology and intention to stay: A Conceptual Analysis. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 15(8), 8-23. (Scopus).
- Agnihotri, A and Misra, R.K.(2022). Emotional & Technological Impact on Managerial Competencies: Outlining the Development Agenda. Development and Learning in Organization, 37(4), 22-25. https://doi.org/10.1108/DLO-05-2022-0083. (Scopus; ABDC-C).
- Khurana, K. & Misra, R.K. Garg, P. and Chauhan, P. (2021). An integrative approach towards understanding employability. Empirical Economics Letters, 20 (spl. 2), 67-81. (ABDC- C).
- Agnihotri, A. & Misra, R.K. (2022). Emotional & Technological Impact on Managerial Competencies:Outlining the Development Agenda. Development and Learning in Organization and Learning in Organizations, 34(6), 9-12. - https://doi.org/10.1108/DLO-05-2022-0083. (Scopus; ABDC-C).
- Misra, R.K. & & Sharma, Divya (2022). Workplace Bullying in India: Acts, Consequences, and Control. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 15(1), 25-39. (Scopus Indexed).
- Misra, R.K. & & Dubey, S (2022). Understanding Workplace Bullying: Conceptual Review. International Journal of Management Practice, 15(2), 346-363. (Scopus Indexed, ABS).
- Misra, R.K. & & Sharma, D (2022). An empirical study of the most preferred attributes of employer branding: The study of engineers in Delhi NCR. International Journal of Human Capital Management and Information Technology Professionals, 13(1), Article 3, 1-18. (Web of Science, Scopus Indexed)
- Khurana, K., & Misra, R.K., Garg, P. and Chauhan,P. (2021). An integrative approach towards understanding employability. Empirical Economics Letters, 20 (spl. 2), 67-81. (ABDC- C Indexed).
- Khurana, K., & Misra, R.K. (2021). Measuring Employability Skills of Budding IT professionals in India. International Journal of Human Capital Management and Information Technology Professionals, 12(1), Jan-Mar, 51-73. (Web of Science, Scopus Indexed)
- Sharma, R.K. & Abidi, N. & Misra, R.K.(2017). Assessment of Agricultural Sustainability - A study of farmers growing Basmati Rice under Conventional and Fair-Trade Systems in India. International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics, 6(1), 1-21. (Scopus Indexed)
- Rounak, S. & Misra, R.K. (2020). Employee Value Proposition: An analysis of organizational factors - the way to enhance value perception. Development and Learning in Organizations, 34(6), 9-12. - https://doi.org/10.1108/DLO-09-2019-0216 (Scopus Indexed, ABDC – C Listed).
- Misra, R.K. & Khurana, K. (2018). Analysis of Employability skill gap among Information Technology professionals. International Journal of Human Capital Management and Information Technology Professionals, 9(3), July-Sept - 53-69. (Web of Science, Scopus Indexed).
- Pandey, R. & Misra, R.K. (2017). Demographical characteristics and Organizational Culture as antecedents of Managerial Effectiveness: A perspective in the Indian Banking Sector. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 15 (22), 151-163. (Scopus indexed till 2017).
- Patnaik, S. & Misra, R.K. (2016). Employer Value Proposition: Identifying the dimensions and development of a measure for Indian Information Technology Professionals. International Journal of Human Capital Management and Information Technology Professionals, 7(4), 14-31. (Web of Science, Scopus Indexed)
- Mishra, P. & Misra, R.K. (2017). Entrepreneurial Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness: A Comparative Study of Executives and Non-executives. Procedia Computer Science 122C (2017) 71-80. (Scopus Indexed).
- Sharma, P.K., Misra, R.K. & Mishra, P. (2017). Job satisfaction scale: adaptation and validation among Indian IT (information technology) employees. Global Business Review, 18(3), 703-718. Sage Publication (Web of Science), (Scopus Indexed) (ABDC - C Listed, ABS).
- Misra, R.K. & Khurana, K. (2017). Employability Skills among Information Technology Professionals: A Literature Review. Procedia Computer Science 122C (2017) 63-70. (Scopus Indexed).
- Sharma, P.K. & Misra, R.K. (2017). Core Self-Evaluations Scale: An Empirical Attestation among Software Professionals. Procedia Computer Science 122C (2017) 79-85. (Scopus Indexed).
- Wahi, A.K. & Misra, R.K. (2016) Success in the Web 2.0 ecosystem: Exploring the State and Determinants in Indian Businesses. International Journal of E-Business Research, 12(1), pp.19-42. (Web of Science), (Scopus Indexed), ABS.
- Johri, R., Misra, R.K. & Bhattacharjee, S. (2016). Work passion: Construction of reliable and valid measurement scale in Indian context. Global Business Review, 17 (3S) – 147-158. Sage Publication (Web of Science, Scopus Indexed, ABDC – C Listed, ABS)
- Misra, R.K. & Mishra, P. (2016). Entrepreneurial attitude orientation and employability: mediating role of entrepreneurial personality. International Journal of Management Practice, 9(1), 72-90. (Scopus Indexed) Inderscience Journal. (ABDC- C Listed-till 2019, ABS)
- Wahi, A.K, Misra, R.K. & Shakeel, M. (2016). Why Should Indian Businesses Transition To Enterprise 2.0? Info : The journal of policy, regulation and strategy for telecommunications, information and media, 18(1), pp.31-55. – (Renamed as Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance) Emerald Journal (Web of Science), (Scopus Indexed) (ABDC – B Listed), ABS.
- Khare, A, Misra, R.K. et.al. (2012). Exploiting Mobile Technology for Supply Chain Integration in Indian Retail. Journal of Asia Pacific Business, 13, 177-202. (Taylor and Francis Publication) (Scopus Indexed) (ABDC – C Listed), ABS.
- Misra, R.K., and co-authors (2003). Purchase Decision Involvement: An Exploratory Study on Consumer Values. Management & Labour Studies, 28(3), August, pp 271-277. (ABDC C -List; Scopus Indexed).
- Misra, R. K. et. al. (2001). Human functional states: an exploratory study of performance and role stress in power plant. Management and Labour Studies, 26(2) April 79-90. (ABDC - C List; Scopus Indexed).
- Sharma, P.K. and Misra, R.K. (2015). The employee retention scale for Indian information technology (IT) company employees: The study of reliability. Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies, 2(5), 161-164. (Scopus Indexed), ABS.
- Wahi, A.K., Medury, Y. & Misra, R.K. (2014). Social Media: The Core of Enterprise 2.0. International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, 5(3), pp. 1-15. (Scopus Indexed).
Papers in Refereed National Journals:
- Misra, RK., & Sharma, D. (2020). Bullying and Nepotism at Workplace: Coping Strategies. International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM), 6 (4), 155-158. doi:10.35291/2454-9150.2020.0517 (Impact Factor-6.4, UGC)
- Misra, R.K. & S Dubey (2020). Student’s perception of Intention to join the company: A literature review. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 22, Issue 7. Ser. I (2020), PP 37-41. (UGC-CARELIST)
- Wahi, A.K., Medury, Y. & Misra, R.K. (2015). Big Data: Enabler or Challenge for Enterprise 2.0. International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, 6(2), pp. 1-17. (DBLP Indexed).
- Johri, R. and Misra R.K. (2015). Work passion: Conceptualization of an emerging concept in India. I-Manager’s Journal on Management, 9 (3), pp. (21-30). (UGC-CARELIST).
- Pandey, R. and Misra R.K. (2015). Identifying Managerial competencies in the Indian Banking industry. Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, 4(1), 24-30. (UGC-CARELIST).
- Patnaik, S. and Misra, R.K. (2015). Impact of workplace training and developmental value on employee retention among information technology professionals. AIMS Journal of Management, 1(1), pp. 59-69.
- Pattnaik, S. & Misra, R.K. (2014). Employer Attractiveness: A Conceptual Framework and Scale Development. The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(2), 318-327. (UGC-CARELIST) (ABDC - C Listed), ABS.
- Misra, R. K. & Mishra, P. (2011). Employability Skills: A Conceptual Framework and Scale Development. The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 46(4), 650-660. (UGC-CARELIST), (ABDC – C Listed) , ABS.
- Johri, R. and Misra R.K. (2014). Self-Efficacy, Work Passion and Well-being: A Proposed Theoretical Framework. The IUP Journal of Soft Skill, 8 (4), pp20. (UGC-CARELIST).
- Misra, R.K., & co-authors. (2003). Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Conceptual framework and Scale development. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations 39(2), October 2003. (UGC-CARELIST – ICI) (ABDC - C Listed) , ABS.
- Misra, R.K. and co-author (2002). Organizational Development: Theory to Practice. Productivity Journal of National Productivity Council of India. 43 (1), April – June, 94-98. (ICI).
- Misra, R.K., and co-authors (2002) Corporate Excellence: A Conceptual framework and scale development. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, January, 37(3). (UGC-CARELIST), ABDC - C Listed, ABS.
- Misra, R. K. and co-author (2001). Knowledge creation and management. Productivity: A Quarterly Journal of The National Productivity Council, 42(3), October - December. (ICI).
- Misra, Rajnish Kumar, and Others (2024). (EDS). Resilient Businesses for Sustainability: Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Supply Chain Management and Society, Part A. Advanced Series in Management, Vol 34A. ISBN 978-1-83797-804-5. DOI: 10.1108/S1877-6361202434A. Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Misra, Rajnish Kumar, and Others (2024). (EDS). Resilient Businesses for Sustainability: Advances in Human Resource Management and Marketing, Part B. Advanced Series in Management, Vol 34B, ISBN 978-1-83608-129-6. DOI: 10.1108/S1877-6361202434B. Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Misra, Rajnish Kumar, Shrivastava, A. and Sijoria, C. (2023). (EDS.) Technology, Management and Business: Evolving Perspectives (Advanced Series in Management, Vol 31), ISBN: 9781804555194. DOI: 10.1108/S1877-6361202331. Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Wahi, A.K., Misra, R.K. (2017). Success in the web 2.0 ecosystem: Exploring the state and determinants in Indian businesses. In Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Eds.). Application Development and Design: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Chpt 62, Pages 1466-1490. (IGI-Global) (Scopus Indexed).
- Pattnaik, S.K. and Misra R.K. (2017). Employer Value Proposition: A Conceptual Framework and Scale Development for Indian Information Technology Professionals . In Mehdi Khosrow-Pour et. al (Eds). Organizational Culture and Behavior: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Chapter 23, pages 454-473. (Scopus Indexed).
- Misra, R.K.and co-authors. Organizational Citizenship: A Scale validation. Pfeiffer Annual 2005, 2, Consulting. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Misra, R.K., and co-authors (2003). Ten P’s: Assessing Corporate Excellence. Annual 2003 ,2. John Wiley & sons Inc.
- Goyal, R., Misra, A.K. and Misra R.K. (2003). Customer Relationship management in Banks. In U. Dhar, S. Dhar and R. Agarwal (Eds.) Changing Trends in Management: Challenges and Opportunities, Chapter 38, pp. 339-345. Excel Books – New Delhi.
- Misra, A. K. and Misra, R. K. (2002). Customer Orientation and Emotional Intelligence: An Empirical Study on Insurance Agents. In Dhar U., Dhar S. and Srivastava M. (Editors) Local Champions To Global Masters: Mobilizing For Growth. Excel Books. New Delhi. Chapter 35, pp 306-318.
- Misra, R. K. (2001). Managing human resources in virtual organizations. In U. Dhar, S. Dhar, S.S. Bhakar and P. Mishra (Eds.), Organizational challenges: insights and solutions. New Delhi: Excel Books.
- Sharma, Divya & Misra, R.K. (2020). Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Women Entrepreneurship and Economic Development: Trends, Influences, and Future Directions, September 20-21, 2024, ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar, JBS, Noida.
- Sharma, Divya & Misra, R.K. (2020). Bullying Characteristics in Educational Sector. National Conference on Sustainability in Business Practices, September 25-26, 2020. JBS, Noida India.
- Dubey, S & Misra, R.K. (2020). Employer branding strategies for sustainable organizations. National Conference on Sustainability in Business Practices, September 25-26, 2020. JBS, Noida India.
- Sujata, R. & Misra, R.K. (2020). Employee Value Proposition: Sustainability factors analysis. National Conference on Sustainability in Business Practices, September 25-26, 2020. JBS, Noida India.
- Khurana, K. & Misra, R.K. (2020). Empowering employability in engineering students for sustainable career: An Integrative perspective. National Conference on Sustainability in Business Practices, September 25-26, 2020. JBS, Noida India.
- Mishra, P. & Misra, R.K. (2017). Entrepreneurial Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness: A Comparative Study of Executives and Non-executives. Fifth International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management, Dec 8-10, 2017. AITQM and JBS, Noida India.
- Misra, R.K. & Khurana, K. (2017). Employability Skills among Information Technology Professionals: A Literature Review. Fifth International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management, Dec 8-10, 2017. AITQM-USA and JBS, Noida India.
- Sharma, P.K. & Misra, R.K. (2017). Core Self Evaluations Scale: An Empirical Attestation among Software Professionals. Fifth International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management, Dec 8-10, 2017. AITQM –USA and JBS, Noida India.
- Patnaik, S.K. & Misra R.K. (2015). Employee Value Proposition: Identifying the dimensions and development of a measure for information technology professionals. International Conferences on Advances in Management and Technology, Dec-18-20, 2015. University of Nebraska, OMAHA, USA and JBS, Noida India.
- Misra, R.K. & Misra, P. (2015). Entrepreneurial attitude orientation and employability: mediating role of entrepreneurial personality. International Conferences on Advances in Management and Technology, Dec-18-20, 2015. University of Nebraska, OMAHA, USA and JBS, Noida India.
- Wahi, A.K. & Misra, R.K. (2015). Implementing Web 2.0. Exploring the state and determinants of success in Indian businesses. International Conferences on Advances in Management and Technology, Dec-18-20, 2015. University of Nebraska, OMAHA, USA and JBS, Noida India.
- Pandey, R. & Misra R.K. (2014). Organizational Culture: An exploratory study in the Indian Banking Sector. International conference on Management Practices and Research – 25th July 2014. Appejay School of Management, Delhi, India.
- Johari, R., Yadav, J, & Misra, R.K. (2012). Passion for Work leads to Success. Published in Proceedings of Conference titled, “FOBE”- 2012, (International Conference on Facets of Business Excellence: Beyond Norms - Thinking out of the box), 29 Nov-03 Dec 2012. IMT Ghaziabad, India.
- Yadav, J., Johari, R. & Mishra, R.K. (2012). A Systematic Review of Employee Well-being. Published in Proceedings of conference titled, "International Conference on Leadership in Business and Management for Sustainable Global Economy", 2-3 November 2012. IIT Delhi.
- Misra, P. & Misra, R.K. (2007). Entrepreneurial leadership and organizational effectiveness. Abstract published in 12th International Colliquium: Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies to be held at MDI – Gurgaon in December 2007.
- Misra, R.K. (2007). Psychological correlates of career effectiveness: A study of corporate executives in India. Abstract published in Conference proceedings of International Academy of Management & Business, IAMB 2007, Las Vegas, USA, January 28-31, 2007. Chairing an HR Session.
- Misra, R. K. (2007). Modern Practices being evolved for Civilian /Other Services & Emerging Techniques Affecting HRD. Published in conference proceedings of India Army titled, ” HRD & Man Management in Changing Environment in the Indian Army held on 15-16 Oct 2007, in Army Air Defence College, Gopalpur Orissa, India.
- Misra, R.K. (2005). Career Effectiveness: Implications for organizational performance. Published in conference proceedings of APROS 11, Victoria University Melbourne, Australia, December 4-7, 2005.
- Misra, R.K. (2001). Human Resource Management in Virtual Organization in PIMR- National Conference 2001: People, Processes, and Organization held on 30 – 31 January 2001 in Prestige Institute of Management and Research Indore.
- Misra, R.K. (2008). Talent on demand: Managing in the Age of Uncertainty by Peter Cappelli (2008), Harvard Business Press, MA: Boston, pp-281, Price $29.95 (Hard cover). Parikalpana – KIIT Journal of Management, 5(1&2).
- Misra, R. K. (2000). Nurturing Change through your Human Assets: Optimizing Organizational Challenges in the New Millennium by Madhurendra K. Verma (2000), New Delhi: Response Books, pp-340, Price Rs. 285 (paperback). Prestige Journal of Management October 2000.
CASES STUDIES: (registered in Case Center, UK / ECCH, UK:)
- Misra, R.K. (2014). Performance Management Fiasco (A). European Case Clearing House- Registration No: 414-115-1.
- Misra, R.K. (2014). Adhereing or Breaking Rules!! European Case Clearing House – Reference No: 414-116-1.
- Misra, R.K. & Misra, P. (2008). Unnatural Death of Beta India Limited. European Case Clearing House. Reference No: 408-055-1.
- Misra, R.K. & Misra, P. (2008). Re-surgence of Auto India Limited. Reference No: 408-054-1 Case published by European Case Clearing House, Cranefield United Kingdom.
- Dhar, S., Johri, S., Misra, R. K., Jain, M., & Dhar, U. (2004). “Sailing through rough waters!” European Case Clearing House.
- Dhar, S., Johri, S., Misra, R. K., Jain, M., & Dhar, U. (2004). “Exit of Reddy”. European Case Clearing House.
- Dhar, S., Johri, S., Misra, R. K., Jain, M., & Dhar, U. (2004). “Variable Pay Hike”. European Case Clearing House.
Teaching Note:
- Misra, R.K. (2014). Performance Management Fiasco (A). Teaching Note - European Case Clearing House - Reference No: 414-115-8.
- Misra, R.K. (2014). Adhereing or Breaking Rules!! Teaching Note - European Case Clearing House - Reference No: 414-116-8.
- Misra, R.K. (2008). Teaching Note: Unnatural Death for Beta India Limited. ECCH Case Clearing House, Cranefield United Kingdom.
- Misra, R.K. & Misra, P. (2008). Teaching Note : Re-surgence of Auto India Limited. Reference No: 408-054-1 Case published by European Case Clearing House, Cranefield United Kingdom.
Academic Outreach: JOURNAL:
- Guest Editor – Special Issue - International Journal of Management Practice – 2022-23.
- Guest Editor – Special Issue - International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems – 2022-23.
- Guest Editor – Special Issue – Emerald Publisher Book Series: Management Sciences– 2022-23.
- Member Editorial Board – International Journal of Management Practice – Inderscience Journal. Scopus Indexed Journal
- Member Editorial Board – IAMB Journal of Management.
- Guest Editor – Special Issue - International Journal of Management Practice – 2017-18.
- Reviewer – European Journal of Training and Development-Emerald Publishers.
- Reviewer – Gender in Management: An International Journal (Sage Pub) Scopus Indexed Journal.
- Reviewer – Frontiers in Psychology: APA Journal JIF of 2.03 and Q1 category Scopus Indexed Journal.
- Reviewer –International Journal of E-Business Research (IGI-Global) Scopus Indexed Journal
- Guest Member Review Board – International Journal of Human Capital and IT Professional – IGI Global. Web of Science, Scopus Indexed Journal.
- Editor of Journal- Misra, R.K. (2005-2010). Parikalpana: KIIT Journal of Management, Vol. 2-6, Bi-annual. Edited KIIT Journal of Management (formerly IBAT Journal of Management): (Indexed in EBSCO, ABI-Inform, J-gate and Ulrich.)
- International Conference – Chairperson – ICAMT-2024 – From February 22-24, 2024 on the theme, “Embracing Transformations for Sustainable Advancements: The Role of Innovation, Collaboration, and Implementation.
- International Conference – Chairperson – ICAMT-2023 – From February 23-25, 2023 on the theme, “Building Resilient Businesses for Sustainability in the Era of Disruptions”.
- International Conference: Convener – International Conference on Advances in Management and Technology-ICAMT-2022 (Feb 24-26, 2022) on the theme, “Emerging Paradigms for Digital Transformation of Business”.
- Member of Organizing Committee of International Conference ITQM -2017 (jointly organized with AITQM - US and Jaypee Business School, Noida) at Jaypee Business School, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India from December 8-10, 2017.
- Member of Organizing Committee of International Conference on Advances in Management and Technology 2015 (jointly organized with University of Nebraska Omaha and Jaypee Business School, Noida) at Jaypee Business School, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India from December 18-20, 2015.
- 2024 – “Employee Value Proposition Among the Millennials: A Study of Indian Hotel Industry”.
- 2022 – "Workplace Bullying: A Study of Bully's Characteristics, Organizational Climate and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Among Indian Management Teachers in Delhi-NCR".
- 2021- “Employability Mapping: A Study of Employability Skill, Protean Career Attitude and Mentoring Among the Engineering Students”, JIIT University.
- 2018 –E-Procurement Espousal and Assessment Study of Indian Car Manufacturers, JIIT University.
- 2018 – “Competency Identification in Banking Industry”, JIIT University.
- 2016- “Employee Engagement and Retention: A Study of Software Professionals”, JIIT University.
- 2016 – “Enterprise 2.0: State of Readiness, Measure of Success and Business Benefits”, JIIT University.
- 2016 – “Effect of Self-efficacy and Perceived organizational Support on Employee Work Passion and Career Satisfaction”, JIIT University.
- 2015 – “Effect of Employer Branding on Employee Engagement: A Study of Indian IT Services Companies, KIIT University Bhubaneswar.
- 2008 - “Soft Competency in Corporate Management”, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar India.
- Mr. Amit Agnihotri – Competencies in Management Graduates.
- Ms. Tanu Chauhan – Work from Home Challenges.
MDP / Training / Workshops/FDP’s
- ½ 3-day MDP on Leading to Business Excellence on 16-18 March 2023 for PSU executives.
- ½ 3-day MDP on “Leading to Business Excellence” from 10-12 Dec 2010 for corporate executives.
- ½5-day Prevention of Parent-to-child Transmission of HIV Aids program enhancing AIDS awareness among doctors, nursing staff, and pathologists of new Integrated Counseling and Testing Centers (ICTC) in Bolangir, Orissa sponsored by UNICEF from 21-25 November 2009.
- ½• 5-day Management Development Program titled “Managerial Effectiveness for Organizational Success” at Toshali Resorts International Puri, Orissa India from 19-23 January 2004 for Senior Management Group.
- 3-day Management Development Program titled, “Leadership and Team Building” at Toshali Resorts International Puri Orissa India from 11th – 13th October 2004 for Senior Management Group.
- ½• 3-day Unit Based Training Program for J.K. Tyre, Bannmore, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh India from 16th October 2000 to 18th October 2000, on “Leadership and Team Building” for middle management group.
MDP / Workshop as Resource Person’
- ½2 – Hour session on “Team Building and Conflict Management” in MDP on Strategic Financial Decision Making from November 21-23, 2024.
- ½3-hour workshop on “Unlocking Success for Growth Plan” for staff members of JIIT in one- week program August 27 – September 02, 2024.
- ½Session in 3-day MDP on “Understanding Team Roles and its importance” on Achieving Excellence in Financial Decision Making” on Nov 17-19, 2022.
- ½Session in 3-day MDP on “Leadership and Team Building” on Achieving Excellence in Financial Decision Making” on March 07-09, 2022.
- Session in 2-day MDP on “General Managerial Skills” on Dec 06-07, 2019.
- ½Session of In-house training program for Staff Development Program on September 25, 2019.
- ½Workshop on Survey Development for Executives of IMRB – Delhi on 16th May 2015.
- ½Session on Personal Effectiveness for IFFCO-Gurgaon, 28th September 2011.
- ½Session on HRM perspectives for HIV Aids Programs officials of Orissa on 5th March 2010 under Training for Project Management skills.
- ½Workshop on Stress Management on 8th September 2009 at Madhusudan Das Academy of Financial Management for Senior Officers of Orissa State Financial Services.
- ½Training session on “Organizational Culture and Productivity” on 7th November 2008, at State Institute of Rural Development conceptualized by National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad for NGOs and DRDA leaders.
- ½Workshop on “Team Building” for Entry level executives of National Aluminum Company (NALCO), Orissa India on 29th April 2008.
- ½OD Workshop on: “Leadership and Team Building” Conducted For Senior doctors of the Eastern Region of India organized by State Institute of Health and Family Welfare Orissa sponsored by National Institute of Health and Family Welfare – New Delhi India on 1st July 2006, 29th October 2006, 28th July 2008, 21st January 2010.
- Life Insurance Corporation of India, Cuttack Division Orissa, on 24th March 2007
- Areva T&D Limited (GEC – Alstom) Naini Allahabad, India on 23rd May 2006.
- Patni Computers Limited – Bangalore, India for Executives on 2Feb 2006.
- Patni Computers Limited – Chennai, India on 30 January 2006..
- Patni Computers Limited – Noida (Delhi) India on 27th October 2005.
- Hindustan Aeronautics Limited – Koraput Orissa for Executives on 9th October 2005.
- Conducted 7 days On-line Research Competency Development Programme on Research Methodology and Data Analysis from July 10-15, 2023 at Jaypee Business School, Noida.
- Conducted 7 days On-line Research Competency Development Programme on Research Methodology and Data Analysis from July 25-30, 2022 at Jaypee Business School, Noida.
- Conducted 7 days On-line Research Competency Development Programme on Research Methodology and Data Analysis from June 20-26, 2021 at Jaypee Business School, Noida.Admission Panel of New IIMs – 16 – 23 March 2011.
- Conducted 5 days On-line Research Competency Development Programme on Research Methodology and Data Analysis from July 27-31, 2020 at Jaypee Business School, Noida.
- Conducted one Week Research Competency Development Programme on Research Methodology and Data Analysis from June 17-22, 2019 at Jaypee Business School, Noida.
- Conducted one Week Research Competency Development Programme on Research Methodology and Data Analysis from June 18-23, 2018 at Jaypee Business School, Noida.
- Conducted one Week Research Competency Development Programme on Business Research and Analytics from June 19-24, 2017 at Jaypee Business School, Noida.
- Conducted one Week Research Competency Development Programme on Business Research and Analytics from June 20-25, 2016 at Jaypee Business School, Noida.
- Conducted one Week Research Competency Development Programme from September 14-19, 2015 at Jaypee Business School, Noida.
- 2 days FDP on Factor analysis and Structured Equation Modeling, organized by DCRE&T, Sonepat, Haryana on May 30-31, 2012.
- Conducted and organized 2-week faculty development programme in management teaching sponsored by AICTE from 15-27 March 2004 along with other resource persons at IBAT - KIIT School of Management – Bhubaneswar, India.
- Conducted and Organized 2-week Faculty Development Programmme from 16-28th June 2003 at IBAT - KIIT School of Management – Bhubaneswar, India.
- All India Radio interaction on “Udyog, Lockdown and Rojgar” – (Industry, Lockdown and Employment) on October 17, 2020.
- All India Radio interaction on “Udyog ki Dasha aur Disha” – (State and Future of Industry) on February 25, 2020.
- All India Radio interaction on “Shram Kanoon ke Mahatav” (Importance of Labour Laws) on November 26, 2019.
- Session Chair – for a technical session in 3 day International Youth Conference organized by Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur from February 17-19, 2022.
- Guest Speaker – Leadership Sensitization among Sarpanch’s of Northern India through Capacity building Workshop of Gram Panchayat and Panchayat Secretaries, by Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt of India from held from Nov 30 –Dec 02, 2016, at Siri Fort Auditorium, New Delhi.
- Session Chair - One day National Seminar on Optimum Talents for Indian corporates through 3h factors {Harvest?Harmony?Harness} - Accurate Institute of Management and Technology – Greater Noida – Nov 15, 2014.
- Session Chair – Two-day International Conference on Global Performance Management Challenges: Building Sustainable Competitiveness- Amity Business School, Amity University – Manesar – Sept 12-13 – 2014.
- Expert Panel Member: Employee Engagement - HR Initiative – Internal Assessment for ONGC meeting held in New Delhi – 17 January 2015 and Nov 16, 2015.
- Keynote speaker for the National Conference organized by NIPM Dehradun Chapter and ONGC on 12-13 December 2014 on Emerging Leadership Paradigms.
- Invited as Session chairperson in a 2 days HR Summit 2010 organized by CIMAGE, Patna, Bihar on 11-12th May 2010 on the topic “Beyond Layoffs: Innovative ways to engage employees and boost productivity”.
- Invited as Session chairperson in a one-day national seminar on HR Practices for Competitive Advantage in Services Sector on 30th January 2010 organized by Srusti Academy of Management, Bhubaneswar.
- Invited to deliver talk on “Man-management in Civilian Global Organizations” HRD Conference organized by Indian Army at Army-Air Defense College Gopalpur, Orissa on15-16th October 2007 for the Indian Army Generals and heads of formations both current and retired.
- Invited for Valedictory Address in One Day National Seminar “Role of HRD in Changing Business Scenario” Organized by NIPM on 9th September 2006.
- Invited for a talk in NIPM Utkal Chapter, executive committee meeting held on 30th July 2006.
- Life member Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).
- Advisory Board member of IAMB, Maryland, USA and member of Editorial Committee of International Journal of Management.
- Life member National HRD Network Hyderabad
- Special Invitee to Executive Committee of NIPM Bhubaneswar Chapter for 2006-2009.
- Corporate Member of NIPM Utkal Chapter
- Career Award for Young Teachers by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE – New Delhi), Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India in 2003-04. This award entitles an awardee to avail the project grant of Rs. 10.5 lacs over a period of three years. Research project titled, “Career Effectiveness: An Empirical Study of Career Development Practices in Corporate Sector”.
ii Qualified University Grants Commission – NET examination conducted on 26th December 1999.
- Expert Panel Member: Employee Engagement - HR Initiative – Internal Assessment for ONGC meeting held in New Delhi – 17 January 2015 and Nov 16, 2015.
- Keynote speaker for the National Conference organized by NIPM Dehradun Chapter and ONGC on 12-13 December 2014 on Emerging Leadership Paradigms.
- Session Chair on Harvesting Talent. In third Consecutive One Day HR National Seminar-2014 on Optimum Talents for Indian Corporates through 3H factors {harvest-harmony- harness} 15 November 2014.
- Session Chair on Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior in International Conference on Global Performance Challenges – Building and sustaining Competitiveness, 11-12 September 2014. Amity University – Gurgaon, Haryana.
- Career Award for Young Teachers by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE – New Delhi), Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India in 2003-04. This award entitles an awardee to avail the project grant of Rs. 10.5 lakhs over a period of three years. Research project titled, “Career Effectiveness: An Empirical Study of Career Development Practices in Corporate Sector”.
- Life member Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).
- Life member National HRD Network Hyderabad.
- Advisory Board member of IAMB, Maryland, USA and member of Editorial Committee of International Journal of Management.
- Member Editorial Board – International Journal of Management and Practice – Inderscience Journal
- Guest Editor – Special Issue - International Journal of Management and Practice – 2017.
- Member Review Board – International Journal of Human Capital and IT Professional – IGI Global.
- Special Invitee to Executive Committee of NIPM Bhubaneswar Chapter for 2006-2009.