Home Faculty Core Faculty – JBS Dr. Archana Shrivastava
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Name : Dr. Archana Shrivastava
Qualifications : PhD.
Work Experience : More than 20 years
Research Interests : In the field e-commerce, online consumer buying behavior and application of blockchain technology in business to achieve sustainability and entrepreneurship.
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Dr. Archana Shrivastava has more than 25 years of experience in teaching, industry & research. This experience gives her holistic approach to management education. She has been conferred with the APJ Abdul Kalam award for research excellence and Emerald Highly Commended Paper Award 2018. Her paper in the Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy was declared the most sighted and downloaded paper. Her current research focuses on the application of blockchain technology in business to achieve sustainability, e-commerce, online buyer behaviour, and entrepreneurship. She has published papers in the top A*, A ranked journals including the Journal of Business Research, International Business Review, Journal of Cleaner Production, Information Systems Frontiers, Technovation, Journal of Stress Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Emerald Emerging Markets, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Journal of Asia Business Studies, Int. J. of Business Innovation and Research, and Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy etc. She is motivated to do research that creates a greater impact on business and society. She has conducted comparative studies on various aspects of entrepreneurship in India, Japan, United States of America and France. She has studied the problems faced by cotton growers in Vidarbha region and recommended certain important improvements in their value delivery system and presented my work in an International Conference in Japan. She has edited two books 1) Circular Economy and Re-Commerce 2) Technology, Management and Business: Evolving Perspective”', Publisher-Emerald. She has widely travelled and presented her research in reputed conferences. She is on the editorial board and a reviewer to several international Journals of repute. She has been actively conducting MDPs, workshops and guest lectures for students as well as faculty, managers/employees, of public, private and government sectors. She has done consultancy assignments for the government and the public sector. She has also worked in the software industry as a project leader. She has also freelanced for Doordarshan Jammu, Akashwani and a Jammu based newspaper "Views Today".
Emerald Highly Commended Paper Award, July 2018.
- The top 10 most sighted and downloaded research paper in the Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy. (Emerald), 2016.
- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Research Excellence from Marina Labs Chennai, 2017.
- The best paper in the conference "Strategy in Declining Market" at Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and Research, Pune.
- The influence of entrepreneurial traits on the success of startup performance in India .International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2024
- "Does the World need to change its vaccine distribution strategy for COVID-19? published in Journal-Technovation , 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation 2023.102834
- Antecedents to blockchain-enabled e-commerce platforms (BEEP) adoption in second-hand fashion retailing. Journal of Business Research, 2022, October 2022. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0148296322004751. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.05.041. A*-ABDC, 3-ABS, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index Impact factor- 10.9
- Blockchain for SMEs Clusters: An ideation using the framework of Ostrom Commons Governance” in Information Systems Frontiers. 2022, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10796-022-10288-z. A-ABDC, Science Citation Index Expanded, SCIE, Scopus Impact Factor- 5.9
- “Disaster Management during Pandemic: A Big Data-Centric Approach”, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 2021, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219877021400034
- Hyper-personalization, co-creation, digital clienteling and transformation, Journal of Business Research, Volume 124, January 2021, Pages 12-23 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0148296320307918 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.11.034 A*-ABDC, 3-ABS, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index Impact factor- 10.9
- "Enhancing training effectiveness for organizations through blockchain-enabled training effectiveness measurement (BETEM)", Journal of Organizational Change Management. 2021, Vol. 34 No. 2, pp. 439-461. https://doi.org/10.1108/JOCM-10-2020-0303 B-ABDC, 2-ABS, SSCI Scopus, 3.1
- Blockchain for customer transparency in E-commerce - A survival of fittest not fastest” International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 2021, Vol. 12, Nos. 1/2, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1504/IJPSPM.2023.132240 June 7, 2023
- Consumer acceptance toward Blockchain Technology for Anti-counterfeiting: Hype, Credence or Future? Int. J. of Business Innovation and Research, 2021, DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2021.10042862 Scopus Indexed, 1.9
- The Influence of Entrepreneurial Traits on the Success of Startup Performance in India in Int. J. of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB), Publisher Inderscience Enterprise Ltd. United Kingdom, https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijesb Scopus 10. Does the World need to change its vaccine distribution strategy for COVID-19? published in Journal-Technovation, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2023.102834
- Sustainability through Online Renting Clothing – Circular Fashion Fuelled by Instagram Micro-celebrities. Journal of Cleaner Production , 1920, https://www.elsevier.com/open-access/userlicense/1.0 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123772"IJ- (A-ABDC, 2-ABS) Scopus, SCIE, Impact Factor 11.07
- Airline Choice A Comparison of Classifiers in Traditional Analysis vs Decision Trees. Published International Journal of Business Analytics, (IJBAN) 7(2) Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 20 DOI: 10.4018/IJBAN.2020040103, Publisher IGI (Scopus, Web of Science) impact factor-1.1
- Gender Effects on Impulse Buying Behavior,7(4), pp.1-12. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies (Scopus)
- Cluster Formation of Traditional Brick Kilns – Technology Support for Fly Ash Based Brick Manufacturing published in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, (Scopus, SCIE) 1.1
- Entrepreneurial Intentions- Theory And Evidence From Asia, America And Europe, Volume 15 Issue 3 published in Journal of International Entrepreneurship (ABS, Scopus) 4.1
- Do young managers in a developing country have stronger entrepreneurial intentions? Theory and debate, Pages 1197–1210 published in International Business Review (Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, ABDC A ranked) 8.7
- Comparing Entrepreneurial Communities: Theory & Evidence from a Cross-Country Study in Asia", Volume: 9 Issue: 3, Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, (Scopus,ABDC, ABS) 2.7
- Buyer’s Motivation For Online Buying: An Empirical Case Of Railway E – Ticketing In Indian Context, volume 8 published in Journal of Asia Business Studies (ABDC, Scopus) Impact factor= 3
- Conceptualizing Consumer “Trust” in Online Buying Behavior: An Empirical Inquiry and Model Development in Indian Context published in Volume 7 Issue 3 Journal of Asia Business Studies, (ABDC, Scopus) Impact factor= 3
- Blockchain Technology in the Fashion Industry: Virtual Propinquity to Business, Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) 20 (2), 1-21, 2022 DOI: 10.4018/JECO.300303 Web of Science Scopus 1.7
- Impact of Business Incubation Support on Startups Performance in India in the International Journal of Business and Globalisation. Publisher Inderscience Switzerland https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijbg.
- The Role of Incubators and Business Accelerators: An Entrepreneurial Viewpoint" in International Journal of Business and Globalisation. Inderscience Publisher, https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijbg
- Review Of Factors Affecting Success Of Startups, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal: Issn 2347-7180 Vol. 09, Issue. 01, No. 01: 2022, Online Fashion Brands Consumers In India: Perceived Value, Fashion Lifestyle, And Willingness To Pay, International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, 2279-543X
- Measurement of Technical and Non-Technical Skills of Engineering Graduates: An Empirical Investigation, Volume 5 Issue 5 published in International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences (UGC)
- Sangeeta Sahney, Archana Shrivastava. Consumer “Personality” in Online Buying Behaviour: Conceptualization and Empirical Testing in Indian Context, pp. 9-20 International Journal of Business, Management and Social Sciences (The Australian Research Council (ARC)
- Sangeeta Sahney, Archana Shrivastava (2008). Consumer attitude towards online retail shopping in the Indian context, 34-68, The Icfai University Press, Hydrabad’ The Icfai University Journal of Consumer Behavior.
Books Published
- Book IGI Publication: Handbook of Research on Circular Economy and Re-Commerce in the Fashion Industry, IGI publication. The book explores the various facets of sustainable fashion to achieve SDGs. Authors Archana Shrivastava, Geetika Jain, Justin Paul (University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, USA) Publication date 2020/6 Publisher IGI
- Book Emerald Publication: “Technology, Management and Business: Evolving Perspectives' ', Scopus Indexed. Authors Rajnish Misra Archana Shrivastava Charu Sirojia, 2023
Chapters Published in Books
- Rajnish Misra, Archana Shrivastava, Charu Sijoria, Introduction to Technology, Management & Business: Evolving Practices, Advanced Series in Management - Volume 31' Technology, Management and Business-ASM31
- "AUGMENTING HUMAN RESOURCE PROXIMITY PLUMBING CYBERNATION," published in "Global Challenges and Strategic Disruptors in Asian Businesses and Economies" , iIGI, SBN13: 9781799847878|ISBN10: 179984787X|EISBN13: 9781799847885|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4787-8, https://www.igi-global.com/book/global-challenges-strategic-disruptors-asian/244574 (Scopus Indexed)
- Women Managers and Generations: A study of obstacles," published in "Global Challenges and Strategic Disruptors in Asian Businesses and Economies" SBN13: 9781799847878|ISBN10: 179984787X|EISBN13: 9781799847885|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4787-8, https://www.igi-global.com/book/global-challenges-strategic-disruptors-asian/244574 (Scopus Indexed)
- Justin Paul, Archana Shrivastava, Surbhi (2018) Entrepreneurship in the globalized world in the Business Environment, book 4th edition Publisher McGraw Hill
- Kanchan Tolani, Sancheeta Pugalia, Archana Shrivastava (2019) Managing Identity through Attire- A theoretical Framework published in “Handbook of Research on Technological Innovations for Sustainability and Business Growth” Publisher IGI Global. Scopus Indexed, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9940-1.ch010 (Scopus Indexed)
- Archana Shrivastava, Prof Justin Paul (2013) Comparing Entrepreneurial Attitudes: Theory & Evidence from a Cross-Country Study in Asia American Society for Competitiveness (ASC) CF Volume 11(1).
- Archana Shrivastava, Amishi Arora (2010) Collaborative Competition – Are you ready to share your bread to earn butter? Book on Challenges and Opportunities from Collaborative Competition HPH, ISBN no. 978-81-8488-690-0.
- Archana Shrivastava (2011) Sustaining and Enhancing Competitiveness through CSR Initiatives by Indian IT Companies Book on Sustaining and Enhancing Competition in Today’s Business Scenario, HPH- ISBN no. 978-93-81432-07-5.
- Archana Shrivavasta, Business Process Re-engineering Putting Theory into Practice Chapter in a Book on” Modern Business Information Management”.
Paper Presented in International/ National Conference
- International Conference on Advances in Management and Technology 2023 (ICAMT-23) -"Building Resilient Businesses for Sustainability in the Era for Disruptions". Paper presented “Post-Purchase Dissonance and Switching Behavior in The Health Insurance Sector” and Track Convener
- Global Conference on Services and Retail Management May 2021 University of South Florida
- Archana Shrivastava, Geetika Jain (2020). " Consumer attitude towards green innovation in tourism sector" National Conference on ‘$ FIVE TRILLION EMERGING INDIAN ECONOMY: A ROAD MAP’ at IMS Unison University on 31st January – 01st February 2020.
- Archana Shrivastava, James Daniel, J. K. Sharma (2018). The Choice of Airline: A Comparative Study of Flyers Behavior presented in International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership (ICEIL’2018) on the theme “Technology, Innovation, Value Creation” Amity University, Noida, 19 to 21 December 2018
- Archana Shrivastava, Kanchan Tolani, Sancheeta Pugalia, Geetika Jain (2019) Decoding Unethical Youth Buying Behaviour: Fair Trades with Unfair Means Chitkara University Doctoral Consortium (CUDC 2019) May 17-18
- Archana Shrivastava, Geetika Jain (2019). Online Fashion Brands Consumers In India: Perceived Value, Fashion Lifestyle, And Willingness To Pay” 2nd International Conference on Latest Advancement & Future Trends in Engineering Science and Management, Osmania Universiti Center for International Program, Hydrabad, India.
- Archana Shrivastava, Rahul Mohare (2017). Measurement of Technical and Non-Technical Skills of Engineering Graduates: An Empirical Investigation International Conference on New Frontiers of Engineering, Science, Management by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh, (MHRD, Govt. of India).
- Justin Paul, Archana Shrivastava (2013). Comparing Entrepreneurship Attitudes in South & East Asia: Evidence from India and Japan AIB Conference (CHICAGO) Winona State University, Minnesota, 55987 USA.
- Justin Paul, Archana Shrivastava (2013). Comparing Entrepreneurial Attitudes: Theory & Evidence from a Cross-Country Study in Asia Presented at the American Society for Competitiveness (ASC) Conference, Indiana University of Pennsylvania,11(1), 90-103.
- Archana Shrivastava (2011). Bridging the Information, Service and Supply Chain Gaps of Cotton Growers of Vidarbha Region in Central India” Presented in the international conference “ e-Case and e-Tech” in Tokyo Japan, Organised by Knowledge Association, International Business Academic Consortium (IBAC).
- Sangeeta Sahney, Archana Shrivastava (2008). Understanding and tapping rural market: A case study on adoption of agrochemicals by the vegetables growers in Chhattisgarh, Conference on marketing to rural consumer at IIM Kozhikode.
- Archana Shrivastava (2009) Business Process Re-engineering – A facilitator for the new business strategy presented at Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and Research. Conference on “Strategy in Declining Market”.
- Archana Shrivastava (2009) Think global, act local Fifth International Conference “Internationalization of Business in Change Environment” at Rajiv Academy for Technology and Management
- Archana Shrivastava (2011). Critical Requirements for joint ventures of foreign Universities for Management education in India International Conference on “Impact of Foreign Universities on India’s Management Education”.
- Archana Shrivastava (2011). Knowledge Creation through Business Intelligence tools in the Retail Industry in Indian Context in International conference on Emerging Trends for Value Creation In The Era Of Knowledge Economy, 2011.
- Archana Shrivastava (2012). Unlocking Rural Market: A comparative study on Buying Behaviour of Rural and Urban Buyers on Mobile Phones in Nagpur District, India PINNACLE-12 organized by SB JAIN, International Journals of Research in C & M (IJRCM), and Vibardha Industries Association (VIA)-HRD FORUM on the theme– Innovative paradigms in contemporary management.
- Archana Shrivastava, (2011). Applications of business intelligence tools in the retail industry in Indian context: an approach to tap profitable customers, Proceedings of the 5th National Conference; INDIACom-2011 Computing For Nation Development, March 10 – 11, 2011 Bharati Vidyapeet’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management
- Sangeeta Sahney, Archana Shrivastava (2007). Developing a Marketing Strategy for a Leading Agrochemical Company: A Case Study on the Distribution Network in the Bankura District of West Bengal, Globsyn Management Journal (EBSCO Host)
- Archana Shrivastava, Review and Agenda: Business Intelligence model for decision support in online retail sector, Volume 2, Issue 5 International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. (EBSCO Host)
- Archana Shrivastava, Higher Education in India: Reflections on Quality, Quantity & Governance”, Volume 1, issue 1 Lorem Ipsum (Referred Peer reviewed)
- ESG Priorities and Initiatives of Jaypee Hospital Department of Medical Education and Research, Jaypee Hospitals Selected in the first phase PI- Dr. Archana Shrivastava
- Forward and Backward linking between artisans and vendors for Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialization (MGIRI), Nagpur.
- Cluster Formation of traditional brick Kiln owners for fly ash based brick manufacturing for MAHGENCO Ash Management Services Ltd. (A subsidiary company of Mahagenco), Maharashtra State Power Generation Co. Ltd.
- Team Member of Nagpur Centre for Industrial Consultancy (NCIC) in association with Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Industrialization (MGIRI). Worked for their Rural e-Haat project
- Market penetration of a leading Indian agrochemical firm in West Bengal and Chattisgarh.
- Pradhan Mantri Kaushal VikasYojana, 2017-18 in training candidates for the job of Sales Associate at Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management.
Copy Right
- Caselet on Market Structure “Beauty and Personal Care Industry
- Rule of Thumb for Innovators
- Open Office Etiquettes
- International Entrepreneurships
- Authored an Article on “Disrupting Marketing with Blockchain Technology” for the news letter “Sambandh”, ICAMT-2022., JBS, JIIT
- Authored several articles on software technology for “books24X7” (published online)
- News Paper Articles for “Hitvada”, Nagpur.
- News Paper articles published weekly for “Views Today” Jammu.
Grant Received
- Grant for Entrepreneurship development in 2016 from EDI India.
- Grant under “Modernization and removal of obsolescence” (MODROB) for MBA lab.
- Invited Speaker for the event on “Workshop on Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behaviour Development” scheduled on 13th March 2023, organized by Institution’s Innovation Council, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida.
- Delivered Importance of Digital Foot Prints -induction program MBA 2023-25 batch on 20th July 2023, 2022. JBS, JIIT
- Resource person - Delivered a session on “Report writing” in the FDP with the theme "Becoming Better Management Educators". – 25th to 30th July 2022, JBS, JIIT.
- Resource person for one-week virtual staff development program on “Social Media and You”. 29th June 2021, JIIT
- Resource person for MBA and BBA Orientation program on 2nd Sept, 21- conducted a session on MOOC, Internships and placements, JBS, JIIT, 2021-22.
- Invited speaker for Short Term Training Programme sponsored by AICTE on "Rural Development: Opportunities, Challenges and Role of HEIs" at Department of Management Technology at Ramdeobaba college of engineering and Management, Nagpur, 26th May, 2nd June and 9th June 2021.
- Guest speaker in our "Grand Final event -Design Thinking Level2 Online workshop 24 may2021 at D-InnoThinkr, Chennai
- Resource person for Professional Development Programme for Non-teaching Staff on 'Enhancing Communication & Soft Skills' (Conflict Resolution, Mediation, Negotiation & Conciliation, Emotional intelligence, Teams Effective, communication) from April 13-14, 2021, JIIT
- Speaker EDP on Emerging marketing technologies on 6th Aug 2021
- Resource person for workshop on Business Plan Canvass JIIT Institution Innovation Council (IIC) on 15th April 2021, JIIT
- Organized Poster Presentation of Innovations on 28th March 2023, JIIT
- Guest Speaker - Business Plan for MBA Students., 21th November, 2020 (Saturday) at MAIT Campus, PSP Area, Sector-22, Rohini- Delhi through (Online Platform- MS Teams), Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology (MAIT),an affiliate of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi.
- Resource person for FDP on "Research Areas in the field of Fintec", The FDP is scheduled from 1st December 2020 to 5th December 2020. Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur.
- Chief guest and speaker for national seminar on “Blockchain Technology and Its Applications” in the One Day National Level seminar organized by the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Humanities & Science, Adayalampattu Phase II Campus on 24.08.2020, MGR Educational and Research Institute, University! Chennai
- Resource person for the Webinar on "Collaborative Learning & Role of Technology" conducted by Zotalabs on 21 June 2020.
- Trach chair of track in the National Conference on Sustainability in Business Practices held during 25 - 26 September, 2020
- Organized and Speaker: Insights on Business Guru, C. K. Prahlad, JBS, JIIT, Februray 2020.
- Speaker: Think Good, Think Goodwill, A key to Productivity, Staff Development Program at JIIT University 22 September 2020.
- SDP session on “Change Management”, 8th Oct 2020 to library staff.
- SDP session on “Being Net Savvy in the Lock-down Era” on 30th Oct 2020.
- Speaker for "Talkathon with students" on 30 July 2020. The objective of the talkathon is to let Students know the steps that need to be taken to build personal brand, and learn multiple ways through hands on exercises.
- Trainer at Resurgent India Training Solutions, Resurgent India Limited Gurgaon, Haryana, India.
- A lecture on Marketing at Confluence of Storytelling and Technology at Mangalamay Group of Institutions on 31st Aug 2019.
- Guest speaker at Amity School of Design on topic of "Brand Ideology and Its Impact on Products" on 20/09/2018.
- MDP on Project Management" on 23, 24 & 28 August, 2017, at Ordnance Factory Ambajhari.
- Conducted Workshop on Employer's Ownership towards Safety at Ordnance Factory Ambajhari on 17th May 2017.
- Conducted training sessions in 2017-18 to Sales Associate/sales persons on customer service improvement.
- Conducted Workshop on Web Resume for Malaysian engineering students organized by IEEE Region 10, April 2016
- Invited speaker for IEEE student members from 21 student branches in Malaysia, addressed on International Internships IEEE Malaysia Section, Selangor Human Resources Development Centre (SHRDC), Shah Alam ,28th May 2016.
- Invited speaker for IEEE Internship & Entrepreneurship Workshops organized under IEEE India Strategic Initiative at G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur 9th and 10th December 2015
- A workshop on Business Model Canvass on 23rd April 2024
- Workshop on Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behavior Development under the aegis of IIC 6.0, 29th Feb 2024
- The workshop on "Customer Aquisition & Engagement in Digital Marketing through Gamification and AI from 16th Feb to 28th Feb
- Guest Lecture- Industry Expert Lec. Session 1- Assessing Customer Value 10th Feb 024
- Guest Lecture- Industry Expert Lec. Session 2- Realization Process Models and Account-Based Marketing Approach, 17th Feb 2024
- Industry Expert Lec. Session 3- Building the Value Stack 5th March 2024
- Guest Lecture- MBA from India vs MBA from abroad on 21 Feb 2024
- Workshop on " Business Model Canvass " under the aegis of IIC for BBA Sem 2 (2023-26) students on 23rd April 2023
- International Conference on Advances in Management and Technology (ICAMT-2023) February 24-26, 2022, JBS, JIIT, Marketing Track Chair on the theme “Building Resilient Businesses for Sustainability in the Era of Disruptions.”
- Organized workshop on Customer Acquisition & Engagement in Digital Marketing through Gamification & AI, 18th August to -26th August 2022
- Organized Three-day workshop on the Case Study Development, 22nd to 24th December 2022, Jaypee Business School Centre for Research & Case Study Development under the aegis of JIIT, Noida
- Organized IIC Poster Making Competition 2023 (2023-03-28 12_04 GMT+ 23 April 2023, Institution Innovation Council (IIC) JIIT, Noida
- Organized a session on Converting innovation into a start-up, August 2023, Council (IIC) JIIT, Noida by Mr. Kamal Chabra
- Co-Convener- INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY (ICAMT-2022) Conference Theme: Emerging Paradigms for Digital Transformation of Business February 24-26, 2022
- Organized Flt Lt Sonal’s Talk on “Stress Management and Well-being” in MBA Induction Program
- Organized Alumni Mr. Chirag’s talk for BBA 2022-25 during Induction program.
- Convenor /Organized panel discussion on Gender Sensitivity on March 17th March 2021
- EDP on Emerging marketing technologies 23rd July to 7th Aug 21 and also -Speaker for EDP on 6th Aug 21 for professionals, entrepreneurs, and MSMEs. 23rd July to 7th Aug 21 JBS, JIIT Organized
- Entrepreneurship Week 2021- “The Success saga of MSMEs and Start-ups: The Growth Engine of the India Economy” from 18 Oct. to 23rd Oct in association with MSMEs and Start-ups forum Uttar Pradesh. 18 Oct. to 23rd Oct 2021 JBS, JIIT
- FDP on Data Analysis using Statistical Tools 13-18 Septemeber 2021 Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Jaypee Business School, NOIDA
- Organized Orientation Session for all students and faculties of the Institute by Innovation Ambassador by Ismile Akbani, Pune 25, January, 2021. Jaypee Business School
- Convenor /Organized Marketing seminar-Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow organized by Jaypee Business School, Noida of Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida held on 28, January, 2021.
- Convenor/ Organized seminar on "Disruptive Marketing" on 23rd Oct 2020 (Dr. Ram Singh, Mr. Jayant Krishna)
- MOU of Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management with Wadhwani Foundation National Entrepreneurship Network.
- Organized an Entrepreneurship Summit “Ignite 2015” a confluence of entrepreneurial minds. The summit had Start-up Expo, mentoring session, speaker session, and networking session. Eminent speakers like Mr. Nagaraja Prakasam (IIM Bangalore), Padamshri Anil Gupta (IIM, Ahmedabad), Mr. Rajiv Kher, Mr. Shahsikant Chaudhary etc, enthralled the participants.
- Regularly organized sessions with entrepreneurs, workshops on various facets of entrepreneurship, individual mentoring sessions, webinars and competitions for students.
- Launched certificate program on Entrepreneurship Development in association with Wadhwani Foundation National Entrepreneurship Network.
- Workshop on support from financial agencies (fund raising) from Manager SIDBI on 20th Jan 2016
- Organised workshop on “Vision Mission and Quality Policy of an Organization” at Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies
- FDP on “Strategic Management” by Jatin Pancholi, Middlesex University at Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies.
- FDP (AICTE Funded) on Research Methodologies in Business Management and Case Development at Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, 5/7/2010 to 17/07/2010.
- Team Member of Nagpur Centre for Industrial Consultancy (NCIC) in association with Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Industrialization (MGIRI). Worked for their Rural e-Haat project.
- Workshop on Leadership Beyond Boundaries, 12/12/2008 to 13/12/2008.
- Making of Good Teacher by Dr. Daniel Lasher, European School of Economics, NewYork, 18/02/2012
- Convener of the National Conference “Opportunities and Challenges from Collaborative Competition” January 2010.
- Organised interactive video conference for DMIMS by Padmashri Prof Anil Gupta (IIM A) in Dec 2008.
- Technical team expert- 024 International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Information Systems will be held from 14–15 December 2024 in Beijing, China. Technical team expert
- The Scientific Committee of GLOSERV Conference (https://gloserv.onlinemanuscripts.org) Committee Member
- Visit to UK, Scotland for 15 days in May-June 2010, for academic collaboration and MOUs Meghe Group of Institutions, Nagpur, with Glasgow University, Oxford University, Scotland Colleges International (SCI), Dundee College, Central College, Clydebank College, Langside College, Edinburgh's Telford College, Glasgow Metropolitan College, Scotland Colleges International (SCI), City University, Teesside University and Derby University. Delegate
- Global exposure tour to National University of Singapore (NUS), Nan yang Technological University (NTU), Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) to gain international perspective & network with faculty Led the tour
- Global exposure tour of students and workshops organized at Mac green IT Company and Harley Davidson Service center and show room Singapore. Led the tour
- Paper presentation in the conference organized by International Business Academic Consortium (IBAC), Tokyo, Jan 2011 Researcher
- Conducted Workshop on Web Resume for Malaysian engineering students organized by IEEE Region 10, April 2016 Resource Person
- Invited speaker for IEEE student members, Malaysia, addressed on International Internships IEEE Malaysia Section, Selangor Human Resources Development Centre (SHRDC), Shah Alam ,28th May 2016 Resource Person
- Co-hosted DMIMS’s International Conference Elixir-2012 in association with Northern Illinois University (NIU) and Lawrence Technological University (LTU) Conference Convener
- MoUs signed with Purdue, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Northern Illinois, Michigan State, Lawrence Technological, Scotland Colleges International, Hartford University Deputy Director, International Relations
- The National Entrepreneurship Challenge (NEC) is a six-month competition run by the Entrepreneurship Cell (E-Cell) of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) NEC Mentor
- Technical team expert- 024 International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Information Systems will be held from 14–15 December 2024 in Beijing, China. Technical team expert
- Editorial board member for the “The Journal Sustaining Economies”- an international journal focusing on the latest developments in the economic field Editorial board member
- Section Editor for Sustainable Resource, 73 Upper Paya Lebar Road #07-02B-01 Centro Bianco Singapore 534818, Singapore
- Editorial Board Membership, Academic Member: Academic Journals-Athens Institute for Education & Research (A World Association of Academics and Researchers)
- Association of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI), State of Florida, United States
- Mentor-Global Start-up Advisor Community of the Wadhwani Global Impact Team Advisor
- Serving in the Global Scientific Committee/Paper Review Committee for the University of South Florida M3 Center (USF) and Association of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI) will have the 11th Global Conference on Business and Economics (GLOBE'24) in St Petesburg, Florida, USA on March 5-8, 2024. Member Review Committee
- D-InnoThinkr, Chennai Advisor
- Expert in Aptitude subject for the AICTE-Student Learning Assessment (ASLA) 2021 Expert
- Global Jury Member -Start Me Up Awards 2021, 2nd June 2022, (for India, South East Asia and Africa). The Annual Start Me Up Awards to recognie and celebrate the efforts of all those who excelled at and contributed to NEN entrepreneurship in 2021. Global Jury Member
- 7th GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON SME, ENTREPRENEURSHIP & SERVICE INNOVATION (GCSMES-7) https://gcsmes.org/event/2021/conference-details Member of Organizing Committee
- GLOSERV Conference 23 Committee Member
- Global Conference on Services and Retail Management organized by University of South Florida, University of Naples Federico II and Association of North America Higher Education International in 2020 in Naples, Italy. Reviewer
- Future Business Journal (Elsevier) Reviewer
- European Business Review (Emerald) Reviewer
- Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal (Allied Journals) Reviewer
- International Journal of Emerging Markets (Emerald) Reviewer
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (Emerald) Reviewer
- Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development (Emerald) Reviewer
- Journal of Asia Business Studies, ISSN: 1558-7894 (Emerald) Reviewer
- Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal (Emerald) Reviewer
- Herald International Research Journals. Reviewer
- Universal Journal of Marketing and Business Research (UJMBR) Reviewer
- Educational Research (ER) (ISSN:2141-5161) Reviewer
- International Journal of Technology and Globalisation Reviewer
- International Journal of Consumer Studies Reviewer
- International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior Research Reviewer
- Journal of Business Research. Reviewer
- Journal of E-Adoption Reviewer
- Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Reviewer
- Environmental Communication Reviewer
- Journal of Cleaner Production Reviewer
- Technological Forecasting & Social Change Reviewer
Professional Memberships
- International Association of Business, Commerce and Technology Faculty.
- International Society of Commerce and Management Studies (ISCMS).
- Economics, Commerce and Management NETWORK (ecomNET).
- Association of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI), State of Florida, United States.
- Management Teachers Consortium Global (MTC Global).
Dr. Archana Shrivastava has more than 25 years of experience in teaching, industry & research. This experience gives her holistic approach to management education. She has been conferred with the APJ Abdul Kalam award for research excellence and Emerald Highly Commended Paper Award 2018. Her paper in the Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy was declared the most sighted and downloaded paper. Her current research focuses on the application of blockchain technology in business to achieve sustainability, e-commerce, online buyer behaviour, and entrepreneurship. She has published papers in the top A*, A ranked journals including the Journal of Business Research, International Business Review, Journal of Cleaner Production, Information Systems Frontiers, Technovation, Journal of Stress Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Emerald Emerging Markets, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Journal of Asia Business Studies, Int. J. of Business Innovation and Research, and Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy etc. She is motivated to do research that creates a greater impact on business and society. She has conducted comparative studies on various aspects of entrepreneurship in India, Japan, United States of America and France. She has studied the problems faced by cotton growers in Vidarbha region and recommended certain important improvements in their value delivery system and presented my work in an International Conference in Japan. She has edited two books 1) Circular Economy and Re-Commerce 2) Technology, Management and Business: Evolving Perspective”', Publisher-Emerald. She has widely travelled and presented her research in reputed conferences. She is on the editorial board and a reviewer to several international Journals of repute. She has been actively conducting MDPs, workshops and guest lectures for students as well as faculty, managers/employees, of public, private and government sectors. She has done consultancy assignments for the government and the public sector. She has also worked in the software industry as a project leader. She has also freelanced for Doordarshan Jammu, Akashwani and a Jammu based newspaper "Views Today".
Emerald Highly Commended Paper Award, July 2018.
- The top 10 most sighted and downloaded research paper in the Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy. (Emerald), 2016.
- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Research Excellence from Marina Labs Chennai, 2017.
- The best paper in the conference "Strategy in Declining Market" at Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and Research, Pune.
- The influence of entrepreneurial traits on the success of startup performance in India .International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2024
- "Does the World need to change its vaccine distribution strategy for COVID-19? published in Journal-Technovation , 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation 2023.102834
- Antecedents to blockchain-enabled e-commerce platforms (BEEP) adoption in second-hand fashion retailing. Journal of Business Research, 2022, October 2022. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0148296322004751. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.05.041. A*-ABDC, 3-ABS, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index Impact factor- 10.9
- Blockchain for SMEs Clusters: An ideation using the framework of Ostrom Commons Governance” in Information Systems Frontiers. 2022, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10796-022-10288-z. A-ABDC, Science Citation Index Expanded, SCIE, Scopus Impact Factor- 5.9
- “Disaster Management during Pandemic: A Big Data-Centric Approach”, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management 2021, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219877021400034
- Hyper-personalization, co-creation, digital clienteling and transformation, Journal of Business Research, Volume 124, January 2021, Pages 12-23 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0148296320307918 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.11.034 A*-ABDC, 3-ABS, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index Impact factor- 10.9
- "Enhancing training effectiveness for organizations through blockchain-enabled training effectiveness measurement (BETEM)", Journal of Organizational Change Management. 2021, Vol. 34 No. 2, pp. 439-461. https://doi.org/10.1108/JOCM-10-2020-0303 B-ABDC, 2-ABS, SSCI Scopus, 3.1
- Blockchain for customer transparency in E-commerce - A survival of fittest not fastest” International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 2021, Vol. 12, Nos. 1/2, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1504/IJPSPM.2023.132240 June 7, 2023
- Consumer acceptance toward Blockchain Technology for Anti-counterfeiting: Hype, Credence or Future? Int. J. of Business Innovation and Research, 2021, DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2021.10042862 Scopus Indexed, 1.9
- The Influence of Entrepreneurial Traits on the Success of Startup Performance in India in Int. J. of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB), Publisher Inderscience Enterprise Ltd. United Kingdom, https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijesb Scopus 10. Does the World need to change its vaccine distribution strategy for COVID-19? published in Journal-Technovation, 2023 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2023.102834
- Sustainability through Online Renting Clothing – Circular Fashion Fuelled by Instagram Micro-celebrities. Journal of Cleaner Production , 1920, https://www.elsevier.com/open-access/userlicense/1.0 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123772"IJ- (A-ABDC, 2-ABS) Scopus, SCIE, Impact Factor 11.07
- Airline Choice A Comparison of Classifiers in Traditional Analysis vs Decision Trees. Published International Journal of Business Analytics, (IJBAN) 7(2) Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 20 DOI: 10.4018/IJBAN.2020040103, Publisher IGI (Scopus, Web of Science) impact factor-1.1
- Gender Effects on Impulse Buying Behavior,7(4), pp.1-12. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies (Scopus)
- Cluster Formation of Traditional Brick Kilns – Technology Support for Fly Ash Based Brick Manufacturing published in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, (Scopus, SCIE) 1.1
- Entrepreneurial Intentions- Theory And Evidence From Asia, America And Europe, Volume 15 Issue 3 published in Journal of International Entrepreneurship (ABS, Scopus) 4.1
- Do young managers in a developing country have stronger entrepreneurial intentions? Theory and debate, Pages 1197–1210 published in International Business Review (Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, ABDC A ranked) 8.7
- Comparing Entrepreneurial Communities: Theory & Evidence from a Cross-Country Study in Asia", Volume: 9 Issue: 3, Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, (Scopus,ABDC, ABS) 2.7
- Buyer’s Motivation For Online Buying: An Empirical Case Of Railway E – Ticketing In Indian Context, volume 8 published in Journal of Asia Business Studies (ABDC, Scopus) Impact factor= 3
- Conceptualizing Consumer “Trust” in Online Buying Behavior: An Empirical Inquiry and Model Development in Indian Context published in Volume 7 Issue 3 Journal of Asia Business Studies, (ABDC, Scopus) Impact factor= 3
- Blockchain Technology in the Fashion Industry: Virtual Propinquity to Business, Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) 20 (2), 1-21, 2022 DOI: 10.4018/JECO.300303 Web of Science Scopus 1.7
- Impact of Business Incubation Support on Startups Performance in India in the International Journal of Business and Globalisation. Publisher Inderscience Switzerland https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijbg.
- The Role of Incubators and Business Accelerators: An Entrepreneurial Viewpoint" in International Journal of Business and Globalisation. Inderscience Publisher, https://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijbg
- Review Of Factors Affecting Success Of Startups, Dogo Rangsang Research Journal: Issn 2347-7180 Vol. 09, Issue. 01, No. 01: 2022, Online Fashion Brands Consumers In India: Perceived Value, Fashion Lifestyle, And Willingness To Pay, International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, 2279-543X
- Measurement of Technical and Non-Technical Skills of Engineering Graduates: An Empirical Investigation, Volume 5 Issue 5 published in International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences (UGC)
- Sangeeta Sahney, Archana Shrivastava. Consumer “Personality” in Online Buying Behaviour: Conceptualization and Empirical Testing in Indian Context, pp. 9-20 International Journal of Business, Management and Social Sciences (The Australian Research Council (ARC)
- Sangeeta Sahney, Archana Shrivastava (2008). Consumer attitude towards online retail shopping in the Indian context, 34-68, The Icfai University Press, Hydrabad’ The Icfai University Journal of Consumer Behavior.
Books Published
- Book IGI Publication: Handbook of Research on Circular Economy and Re-Commerce in the Fashion Industry, IGI publication. The book explores the various facets of sustainable fashion to achieve SDGs. Authors Archana Shrivastava, Geetika Jain, Justin Paul (University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, USA) Publication date 2020/6 Publisher IGI
- Book Emerald Publication: “Technology, Management and Business: Evolving Perspectives' ', Scopus Indexed. Authors Rajnish Misra Archana Shrivastava Charu Sirojia, 2023
Chapters Published in Books
- Rajnish Misra, Archana Shrivastava, Charu Sijoria, Introduction to Technology, Management & Business: Evolving Practices, Advanced Series in Management - Volume 31' Technology, Management and Business-ASM31
- "AUGMENTING HUMAN RESOURCE PROXIMITY PLUMBING CYBERNATION," published in "Global Challenges and Strategic Disruptors in Asian Businesses and Economies" , iIGI, SBN13: 9781799847878|ISBN10: 179984787X|EISBN13: 9781799847885|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4787-8, https://www.igi-global.com/book/global-challenges-strategic-disruptors-asian/244574 (Scopus Indexed)
- Women Managers and Generations: A study of obstacles," published in "Global Challenges and Strategic Disruptors in Asian Businesses and Economies" SBN13: 9781799847878|ISBN10: 179984787X|EISBN13: 9781799847885|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4787-8, https://www.igi-global.com/book/global-challenges-strategic-disruptors-asian/244574 (Scopus Indexed)
- Justin Paul, Archana Shrivastava, Surbhi (2018) Entrepreneurship in the globalized world in the Business Environment, book 4th edition Publisher McGraw Hill
- Kanchan Tolani, Sancheeta Pugalia, Archana Shrivastava (2019) Managing Identity through Attire- A theoretical Framework published in “Handbook of Research on Technological Innovations for Sustainability and Business Growth” Publisher IGI Global. Scopus Indexed, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9940-1.ch010 (Scopus Indexed)
- Archana Shrivastava, Prof Justin Paul (2013) Comparing Entrepreneurial Attitudes: Theory & Evidence from a Cross-Country Study in Asia American Society for Competitiveness (ASC) CF Volume 11(1).
- Archana Shrivastava, Amishi Arora (2010) Collaborative Competition – Are you ready to share your bread to earn butter? Book on Challenges and Opportunities from Collaborative Competition HPH, ISBN no. 978-81-8488-690-0.
- Archana Shrivastava (2011) Sustaining and Enhancing Competitiveness through CSR Initiatives by Indian IT Companies Book on Sustaining and Enhancing Competition in Today’s Business Scenario, HPH- ISBN no. 978-93-81432-07-5.
- Archana Shrivavasta, Business Process Re-engineering Putting Theory into Practice Chapter in a Book on” Modern Business Information Management”.
Paper Presented in International/ National Conference
- International Conference on Advances in Management and Technology 2023 (ICAMT-23) -"Building Resilient Businesses for Sustainability in the Era for Disruptions". Paper presented “Post-Purchase Dissonance and Switching Behavior in The Health Insurance Sector” and Track Convener
- Global Conference on Services and Retail Management May 2021 University of South Florida
- Archana Shrivastava, Geetika Jain (2020). " Consumer attitude towards green innovation in tourism sector" National Conference on ‘$ FIVE TRILLION EMERGING INDIAN ECONOMY: A ROAD MAP’ at IMS Unison University on 31st January – 01st February 2020.
- Archana Shrivastava, James Daniel, J. K. Sharma (2018). The Choice of Airline: A Comparative Study of Flyers Behavior presented in International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership (ICEIL’2018) on the theme “Technology, Innovation, Value Creation” Amity University, Noida, 19 to 21 December 2018
- Archana Shrivastava, Kanchan Tolani, Sancheeta Pugalia, Geetika Jain (2019) Decoding Unethical Youth Buying Behaviour: Fair Trades with Unfair Means Chitkara University Doctoral Consortium (CUDC 2019) May 17-18
- Archana Shrivastava, Geetika Jain (2019). Online Fashion Brands Consumers In India: Perceived Value, Fashion Lifestyle, And Willingness To Pay” 2nd International Conference on Latest Advancement & Future Trends in Engineering Science and Management, Osmania Universiti Center for International Program, Hydrabad, India.
- Archana Shrivastava, Rahul Mohare (2017). Measurement of Technical and Non-Technical Skills of Engineering Graduates: An Empirical Investigation International Conference on New Frontiers of Engineering, Science, Management by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh, (MHRD, Govt. of India).
- Justin Paul, Archana Shrivastava (2013). Comparing Entrepreneurship Attitudes in South & East Asia: Evidence from India and Japan AIB Conference (CHICAGO) Winona State University, Minnesota, 55987 USA.
- Justin Paul, Archana Shrivastava (2013). Comparing Entrepreneurial Attitudes: Theory & Evidence from a Cross-Country Study in Asia Presented at the American Society for Competitiveness (ASC) Conference, Indiana University of Pennsylvania,11(1), 90-103.
- Archana Shrivastava (2011). Bridging the Information, Service and Supply Chain Gaps of Cotton Growers of Vidarbha Region in Central India” Presented in the international conference “ e-Case and e-Tech” in Tokyo Japan, Organised by Knowledge Association, International Business Academic Consortium (IBAC).
- Sangeeta Sahney, Archana Shrivastava (2008). Understanding and tapping rural market: A case study on adoption of agrochemicals by the vegetables growers in Chhattisgarh, Conference on marketing to rural consumer at IIM Kozhikode.
- Archana Shrivastava (2009) Business Process Re-engineering – A facilitator for the new business strategy presented at Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and Research. Conference on “Strategy in Declining Market”.
- Archana Shrivastava (2009) Think global, act local Fifth International Conference “Internationalization of Business in Change Environment” at Rajiv Academy for Technology and Management
- Archana Shrivastava (2011). Critical Requirements for joint ventures of foreign Universities for Management education in India International Conference on “Impact of Foreign Universities on India’s Management Education”.
- Archana Shrivastava (2011). Knowledge Creation through Business Intelligence tools in the Retail Industry in Indian Context in International conference on Emerging Trends for Value Creation In The Era Of Knowledge Economy, 2011.
- Archana Shrivastava (2012). Unlocking Rural Market: A comparative study on Buying Behaviour of Rural and Urban Buyers on Mobile Phones in Nagpur District, India PINNACLE-12 organized by SB JAIN, International Journals of Research in C & M (IJRCM), and Vibardha Industries Association (VIA)-HRD FORUM on the theme– Innovative paradigms in contemporary management.
- Archana Shrivastava, (2011). Applications of business intelligence tools in the retail industry in Indian context: an approach to tap profitable customers, Proceedings of the 5th National Conference; INDIACom-2011 Computing For Nation Development, March 10 – 11, 2011 Bharati Vidyapeet’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management
- Sangeeta Sahney, Archana Shrivastava (2007). Developing a Marketing Strategy for a Leading Agrochemical Company: A Case Study on the Distribution Network in the Bankura District of West Bengal, Globsyn Management Journal (EBSCO Host)
- Archana Shrivastava, Review and Agenda: Business Intelligence model for decision support in online retail sector, Volume 2, Issue 5 International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. (EBSCO Host)
- Archana Shrivastava, Higher Education in India: Reflections on Quality, Quantity & Governance”, Volume 1, issue 1 Lorem Ipsum (Referred Peer reviewed)
- ESG Priorities and Initiatives of Jaypee Hospital Department of Medical Education and Research, Jaypee Hospitals Selected in the first phase PI- Dr. Archana Shrivastava
- Forward and Backward linking between artisans and vendors for Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialization (MGIRI), Nagpur.
- Cluster Formation of traditional brick Kiln owners for fly ash based brick manufacturing for MAHGENCO Ash Management Services Ltd. (A subsidiary company of Mahagenco), Maharashtra State Power Generation Co. Ltd.
- Team Member of Nagpur Centre for Industrial Consultancy (NCIC) in association with Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Industrialization (MGIRI). Worked for their Rural e-Haat project
- Market penetration of a leading Indian agrochemical firm in West Bengal and Chattisgarh.
- Pradhan Mantri Kaushal VikasYojana, 2017-18 in training candidates for the job of Sales Associate at Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management.
Copy Right
- Caselet on Market Structure “Beauty and Personal Care Industry
- Rule of Thumb for Innovators
- Open Office Etiquettes
- International Entrepreneurships
- Authored an Article on “Disrupting Marketing with Blockchain Technology” for the news letter “Sambandh”, ICAMT-2022., JBS, JIIT
- Authored several articles on software technology for “books24X7” (published online)
- News Paper Articles for “Hitvada”, Nagpur.
- News Paper articles published weekly for “Views Today” Jammu.
Grant Received
- Grant for Entrepreneurship development in 2016 from EDI India.
- Grant under “Modernization and removal of obsolescence” (MODROB) for MBA lab.
- Invited Speaker for the event on “Workshop on Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behaviour Development” scheduled on 13th March 2023, organized by Institution’s Innovation Council, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida.
- Delivered Importance of Digital Foot Prints -induction program MBA 2023-25 batch on 20th July 2023, 2022. JBS, JIIT
- Resource person - Delivered a session on “Report writing” in the FDP with the theme "Becoming Better Management Educators". – 25th to 30th July 2022, JBS, JIIT.
- Resource person for one-week virtual staff development program on “Social Media and You”. 29th June 2021, JIIT
- Resource person for MBA and BBA Orientation program on 2nd Sept, 21- conducted a session on MOOC, Internships and placements, JBS, JIIT, 2021-22.
- Invited speaker for Short Term Training Programme sponsored by AICTE on "Rural Development: Opportunities, Challenges and Role of HEIs" at Department of Management Technology at Ramdeobaba college of engineering and Management, Nagpur, 26th May, 2nd June and 9th June 2021.
- Guest speaker in our "Grand Final event -Design Thinking Level2 Online workshop 24 may2021 at D-InnoThinkr, Chennai
- Resource person for Professional Development Programme for Non-teaching Staff on 'Enhancing Communication & Soft Skills' (Conflict Resolution, Mediation, Negotiation & Conciliation, Emotional intelligence, Teams Effective, communication) from April 13-14, 2021, JIIT
- Speaker EDP on Emerging marketing technologies on 6th Aug 2021
- Resource person for workshop on Business Plan Canvass JIIT Institution Innovation Council (IIC) on 15th April 2021, JIIT
- Organized Poster Presentation of Innovations on 28th March 2023, JIIT
- Guest Speaker - Business Plan for MBA Students., 21th November, 2020 (Saturday) at MAIT Campus, PSP Area, Sector-22, Rohini- Delhi through (Online Platform- MS Teams), Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology (MAIT),an affiliate of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi.
- Resource person for FDP on "Research Areas in the field of Fintec", The FDP is scheduled from 1st December 2020 to 5th December 2020. Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur.
- Chief guest and speaker for national seminar on “Blockchain Technology and Its Applications” in the One Day National Level seminar organized by the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Humanities & Science, Adayalampattu Phase II Campus on 24.08.2020, MGR Educational and Research Institute, University! Chennai
- Resource person for the Webinar on "Collaborative Learning & Role of Technology" conducted by Zotalabs on 21 June 2020.
- Trach chair of track in the National Conference on Sustainability in Business Practices held during 25 - 26 September, 2020
- Organized and Speaker: Insights on Business Guru, C. K. Prahlad, JBS, JIIT, Februray 2020.
- Speaker: Think Good, Think Goodwill, A key to Productivity, Staff Development Program at JIIT University 22 September 2020.
- SDP session on “Change Management”, 8th Oct 2020 to library staff.
- SDP session on “Being Net Savvy in the Lock-down Era” on 30th Oct 2020.
- Speaker for "Talkathon with students" on 30 July 2020. The objective of the talkathon is to let Students know the steps that need to be taken to build personal brand, and learn multiple ways through hands on exercises.
- Trainer at Resurgent India Training Solutions, Resurgent India Limited Gurgaon, Haryana, India.
- A lecture on Marketing at Confluence of Storytelling and Technology at Mangalamay Group of Institutions on 31st Aug 2019.
- Guest speaker at Amity School of Design on topic of "Brand Ideology and Its Impact on Products" on 20/09/2018.
- MDP on Project Management" on 23, 24 & 28 August, 2017, at Ordnance Factory Ambajhari.
- Conducted Workshop on Employer's Ownership towards Safety at Ordnance Factory Ambajhari on 17th May 2017.
- Conducted training sessions in 2017-18 to Sales Associate/sales persons on customer service improvement.
- Conducted Workshop on Web Resume for Malaysian engineering students organized by IEEE Region 10, April 2016
- Invited speaker for IEEE student members from 21 student branches in Malaysia, addressed on International Internships IEEE Mal