Home Faculty Core Faculty – JBS Dr. Sweta Goel
JBS Faculty

Name : Dr. Sweta Goel
Qualifications : PhD (Finance), MBA, BSc
Work Experience : Ten years
Research Interests : Financial Services, Corporate finance, financial Inclusion and Micro Finance
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Dr. Sweta Goel is associated with Jaypee Business School as a faculty. Before this assignment, she has taught in various institutes of repute as Amity University, Noida and IILM, Gr. Noida. She has contributed in research through various publications in refereed indexed journals. She is a reviewer of doctoral thesis and many international journals of repute. One scholar has completed the PhD under her guidance.
Publications- International Journals and conference proceedings
- K Gupta and S Goel (2020) “Intellectual Capital and Profitability: Evidence from Indian Pharmaceutical Sector” Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, ISSN 09722629-excepted for publication (Scopus Indexed).
- A Yadav and S Goel (2019) “Research on Process of Listing and Working of IPO (Initial Public Offering)” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol. 8 (2S11), pp. 3436-3439, ISSN 2277-3878 (Scopus Indexed)
- A Yadav and S Goel (2019) “Research on Under pricing concept of IPO (Initial Public Offering) in Indian Stock Market” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Vol. 8 (11S), pp. 179-183, ISSN 2278-3075 (Scopus Indexed)
- A Yadav and S Goel (2019) “GST- The Issue of the Day” International Research Journal of Management Science and Technology, Vol. 10 (4), pp. 69-72, ISSN 2250-1959 (UGC Listed)
- S Goel and M Mani (2019) “Performance Appraisal of Indian Mutual Fund Using DEA” International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 9 (1), pp. 649-669, ISSN 2249-2496 (UGC Listed)
- S Goel (2019) “Challenges Faced by Indian Entrepreneurs of MSME: An Empirical Analysis” International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, ISSN 2349-7780, Vol 6, Issue 1(XV), pp. 22- 27. (UGC Listed, Journal No. 63571)
- S Goel and A Goel (2019) “Causes and Costs of Financial Inclusion in India” Journal of Management Research, ISSN 1941-899X, Vol. 11 (1), pp. 15-27 (ABDC Listed).
- S Goel and R Sharma (2017), “Developing a Financial Inclusion Index for India”, Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM 2017), Science Direct, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 122, pp. 949–956 (Scopus Indexed).
- K Gupta, S Goel and P Bhatia (2019) “An Analysis of Intellectual Capital and Firms’ Profitability:’with Reference to Indian IT Companies” NMIMS Management Review, Vol. 37 (2), pp. 77-91, ISSN: 0971-1023 (Web of Science Indexed)
- Goel, S. and Mani, M. (2018) “Efficiency measurement of open-ended mutual fund schemes with respect to Indian mutual fund industry”, Int. J. Financial Services Management, Vol. 9 (2), pp.140–167. Print ISSN: 1460-6712 Online ISSN: 1741-8062. (InderScience publishing-ABDC Listed).
- K Gupta, S Goel and P Bhatia (2018) “Intellectual Capital Reporting Practices of Selected Indian Companies”, International Academy of Business and Economics, ISSN: 1555-6336, Vol. 18(4), pp 5-18. (ABDC Listed)
- S. Goel (2017) “Banking Initiatives and Financial Inclusion in India: An Empirical Analysis” International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, ISSN: 0972-7302, Vol. 15, pp. 227- 238. (Scopus Indexed).
- S Goel and M Mani (2016), “Prediction of future performance of mutual funds on the basis of past performance”, International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics; Vol. 5 (3), pp. 32-40, (ISSN: 2278-3369).
- S Goel, M Mani and R Sharma (2012), “Investment Style and Performance of Mutual Funds: An Empirical Analysis”, International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research, Vol. 3 (9), pp 1-13, (ISSN: 2229-4848).
- S Goel, M Mani and R Sharma (2012), “A Review of Performance Indicators of Mutual Funds”, Researchers World- Journal of Arts, Science and Commerce (UGC recognized), Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp. 100- 107, (ISSN - Online: 2229-4686, Print: 2231-4172).
- K Gupta and S Goel (2019) “Intellectual Capital and Profitability: Evidence From Indian Pharmaceutical Sector”, International conference proceedings, Business Transformation through Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and digitalization, ICSED-2k19, IMS GHz., ISBN: 978-93-88996-19-8.
- S Goel and S Goel (2019) “Impact of Financial Development on Economic Growth”, International conference on Business Transformation through Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and digitalization, ICSED-2k19, IMS Ghaziabad, ISBN: 978-93-88996-19-8.
- S Goel (2017), “Financial Inclusion in India”, International conference proceedings, make in India- Digital India: Transforming India, ISBN: 978-81-93234839, pp. 87-92.
- S Goel and S Goel (2016), “Asset Liability Management in Banks”, International conference proceedings, Global Business Trends and Innovations held at Apeejay School of Management, Dwarka, New Delhi (2016), ISBN: 978-81-932836-9-1, pp. 109-114.
Presentation in International and National Conferences
- K Gupta and S Goel “Intellectual Capital and Profitability: A Panel Regression Approach”, International Conference on Management Practices for Sustainability: Innovations and ReEngineering Perspective, G L Bajaj Institute of Mgmt. and Research, Gr. Noida, 16 November 2019.
- K Gupta and S Goel “Intellectual Capital and Profitability: Evidence from Indian Pharmaceutical Sector”, International conference on Business Transformation through Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and digitalization, ICSED-2k19, IMS Ghaziabad, 9 November 2019. (Received the best paper award).
- S Goel and S Goel “Impact of Financial Development on Economic Growth”, International conference on Business Transformation through Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and digitalization, ICSED-2k19, IMS Ghaziabad, 9th November 2019.
- K Gupta and S Goel “Intellectual Capital and Firms’ Financial Performance for Indian IT Companies”, 3rd international conference on “Rethinking Innovation: Role of Management & Technology in Modern Business Practices” Amity University, Noida, 14-15 March 2019.
- K Gupta and S Goel “An Analysis of Intellectual Capital and Firms’ Profitability: With Reference to Indian IT Companies”, National Conference on Indian Economy; Policy Intervention for Sustainable Growth, School of Mgmt, GBU, Gr. Noida, 11-12 March 2019. (Received the best paper award)
- S Goel, “Challenges Faced by Indian Entrepreneurs of MSME: An Empirical Analysis”, National Conference on Managing Diversity in Business and Digital Media, Indirapuram, 8 Feb 2019.
- K Gupta and S Goel, “An Empirical Study on Reporting of Intangible Assets with Reference to Indian Companies”, IRC-ETCGDE at Chitkara University, Punjab, 25-26 May 2018.
- S Goel and M Mani, “Performance appraisal of Indian Mutual Funds Using DEA”, 2 nd International Conference 2018 (ICACCF2018), Emerging Trends in Research in Entrepreneurship, Accounting, Business and Management, March 22-23, 2018.
- S Goel and R Sharma, “Developing a Financial Inclusion Index for India”, 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM 2107), New Delhi, 8 Dec.2017.
- S Goel and A Goel, “An Analysis of the Causes and Costs of financial Inclusion in India”, International Conference on Entrepreneurship & Sustainability: A Skill India Perspective, FDDI, Noida, 16 July 2017.
- S Goel, “Financial Inclusion in India”, national conference- Make in India-Digital India: Transforming India, held at IIHS, Indirapuram, Jan (2017)
- S Goel, “Asset Liability Management in Banks”, International conference: Global Business Trends and Innovations held at Apeejay School of Management, Dwarka, New Delhi (2016).
- S Goel, “Institutions Supporting Women Entrepreneurship” National Seminar, Role of Women Entrepreneurship in India: Opportunities and Challenges, conducted by C.C.S. University Meerut, (March 2016) and the abstract published.
- S Goel, R Sharma and M Mani, “A Study on Performance Related Characteristics of Mutual Funds”, ICMBS 2012 International Conference, Emerging Issues in Management and Behavioral Sciences and received the best paper award.
Book Chapters
- S Goel, R Sharma and M Mani (2012), “A Study on Performance Related Characteristics of Mutual Funds”, ICMBS 2012 International Conference proceedings, Emerging Issues in Management and Behavioral Sciences, ISBN: 978-93-81212-17-2,147-155, pp. 147-155.
Workshop/ Seminar Attended
- FDP- “Emerging Trends and Practices in the Financial Market”, Amity Univ., 24 May 2018.
- Workshop on Qualitative Research and Case writing at Amity University, 25-27 Sep- 2017.
- One day Workshop on GST at Amity University, 22 July 2017.
- Three-day Faculty Development Program on CIMA, 10-12 April 2017, Amity University.
- Two-day workshop on “Structural Equation Modeling”, Jan. 2014, held at Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, JIIT, Noida.