Home Faculty Core Faculty – JBS Dr. Ashutosh Shukla
JBS Faculty

Name : Dr. Ashutosh Shukla
Qualifications : PhD (Management), PGDM (HRM), B.Sc(Hons.)Physics
Work Experience : 15+ Years
Research Interests : Organisational Learning, Research Designs, HR & OB, Business Statistics
Read More +Biography
Dr. Ashutosh Shukla is a science graduate from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Post Graduate Diploma in Management from Alliance Business School, Bangalore, and Ph.D from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra (BIT -Mesra), Ranchi in the field of Organizational Learning. He proposed a learning model to describe organisational learning in Indian Software firms. He is having around 16 years of experience of Industry, Research and Academics. Presently he is working as Assistant Professor (Grade II) at Jaypee Business School, JIIT Noida. He has published several research papers in Scopus Indexed, ABDC listed and UGC-care journals. He also published four book chapters, including the recent one in Springer Nature, Singapore. He has conducted a number of workshops both, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels on different areas- Research Methodology, Interpersonal effectiveness, and meditation, physical & mental well-being.
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5172-9158
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Research Publications in Journals
- Shukla, A., Dubey A.M. & Pandey S.K. “A Blended Approach to Organizational Learning in Indian Software Industry” Accepted in Vision – January 2023 , Scopus Indexed) Sage Journal
- Shukla, A., Pandey, S.K.& Dubey A.M. “Organizational Learning Factors Responsible for Achieving Business Excellence in IT Industry in India”, Int. J. of Business Excellence (Scopus Indexed), Inderscience Publishers DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2021.10043395
- Status: In- Publication Schedule, December 9, 2021.
- Shukla A. & Shah G. (2022) “Until it bites you, the snake doesn’t exist: An analysis into risk - prone and preventive behavior during covid - 19” in Towards Excellence, UGC-HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE GUJARAT UNIVERSITY. VOL.14, ISSUE No.2, June 2022 , Peer Reviewed, UGC Care
- Shukla, A., Pandey, S.K.& Dubey A.M. (2018) ‘Determinants of Organisational Learning in a firm: An Empirical Analysis of Indian IT Industry’, published in ABDC & SCOPUS indexed Journal –Global Business Review (Published online June 2018); SAGE Volume 21, Issue 4, 2020 pp.1051-1064
- Shukla, A. (2021) Karmayoga & The Paths of Transformational Leadership In Bhagwad Gita in Jijnasa : A Journal of the History of Ideas and Culture ISSN : 0337-743X Volume : 38, No. 6, 2021 pp. 139-142 , Peer Reviewed, UGC Care
- Shukla, A. (2016) An Approach towards Developing a Conceptual Model of Organisational Learning in ZIJBEMR, ISSN NO. 2249-8826 Vol(6) April 2016, pp. 72-81
- Shukla, A., Pandey, S.K.& Dubey A.M (2018) A Pilot Study on Organisational Learning in Indian Software Industry. The Journal of Business & Economic Studies. ISSN 2320-110X Vol.11(2). 2018 pp.54-61
- Shukla, A., Pandey, S.K.& Dubey A.M (2016) Accelerating Learning in Organisations: The Next Thing in Organisational Learning research in Samiksha ISSN NO. 0975-7708 Jul-Dec 2016 pp. 08-11
Book Chapters
- Shukla, A., Dubey A.M & Pandey S.K.( 2022) Operating in Industry 4.0: The Need for Gig workers and Systems Approach in the book Sustainability in the GiG Economy: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities in Industry 4.0, Published by Springer Singapore, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-8406-7
- Shukla A. & Shah G. (2021) Leading One’s life in Contentment and Peace: A Revolutionary way of Astavakra Gita in Ancient Indian Wisdom for Sustainable Well-being, Bharti Prakashan Varanasi, ISSN No. 978-93-88019-87-3
- Shah G. & Shukla A. (2021) Indian Astrology-Science of the Seers in Ancient Indian Wisdom for Sustainable Well-being Bharti Prakashan Varanasi, ISSN No. 978-93-88019-87-3
- Shukla. A. (2021) An Introduction to Human Resource Management in Business Management: An Integrated Approach, MRI Publication Pvt. Ltd
Conference/ Seminars Attended/ Presented
- Presented a paper titled “Karmayoga and Leadership Lessons in Bhagwad Gita” at International Conference Organized by School of Management Sciences, Varanasi in February 2020
- Presented “Concept of Motivation in Bhagwad Gita in an International Seminar at Department of Sanskrit, University of Allahabad
- Presented A Review paper on an approach to explain the trends in redesigning and learning in organisations through organisational learning in a National Seminar at MNIT Allahabad
- Attended National Seminar on Cultural Diversity at Workplace: New Approaches in Human Resource Management at SHIATS Allahabad
- Presented “Ethical Challenges in Marketing in 21st century”, in International Conference held at Forrest Research Institute University, Dehradun.
- Presented “Relevance of Upanishads in Modern Era” in International Conference at University of Allahabad”
- Presented “Using Systems Theory to Suggest A Model of Holistic Development in National Seminar at a National Seminar on Developing A Vibrant India: Challenges & Issues at HB Degree College Allahabad.
Attended: FDP/Workshop/QIP/ Short Term Course
- Seven Day FDP on Faculty preparedness Towards Education 4.0 (16th to 22nd August , 2022)
- Attended Seven Days workshop on Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions: Revised NAAC Framework (09th to 15th June, 2020)
- Attended Seven Days workshop on Discovering Statistics through XL organized by School of Management Sciences, Varanasi in June 2020.
- FDP Acumen for Multiple Management in Academia (03rd to 09th October, 2020)
- Organized Seven Days Online Workshop for UGC-NET/JRF (September 3rd to September 10th, 2020) at School of Management Sciences Varanasi.
- Seven Days workshop on Applied Research Methodology in Social Sciences from Motilal National Institute of Technology- Allahabad, Prayagraj (17th to 23rd June, 2019)
- ATAL FDP Social Enterprise Management and Self-Reliant India" from 2021-05-17 To 2021-05-21 at Marwadi Education Foundation's Group of Institutions -Faculty of Management.
- ATAL FDP -Rejuvenating Learning with World Class Business Improvement Approach - Lean Six Sigma" from 2021-06-28 to 2021-07-02 at Dharmsinh Desai University.
- ATAL FDP on " Leadership Excellence for Academic Development (LEAD)-Elementary" from 2021-7-12 to 2021-7-16 at National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.
- Arpit Refresher course in Economics 2020 from Sri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi securing 74% marks.
- Twelve weeks NPTEL Certification on Applied Multivariate Statistical Modeling IIT-Guwahati (January to April, 2021)
- Eight -weeks NPTEL Elite Plus Silver Certification in Human Behaviour from IIT-Guwahati (January to March 2021)
- Eight-weeks NPTEL Elite Certification in Marketing Research & Analysis from IIT-Madras (September- November 2020)
- Udemy Certification of HR Analytics- Introduction Course.
- Fully Accredited Professional Spirituality Coach Diploma at Udemy.
- Udemy Certification of Normal or Gaussian Distribution in Statistics.
- Udemy Certification of Systems Thinking Made Simple Course
Workshop Organized
- As a Resource Person in an online workshop on Product Market Fit at SISTEC-E, Ratibad, Bhopal, February
- 26, 2022
- As a Resource Person in an online workshop on Prototype and Process design at SISTEC-E, Ratibad, Bhopal, August 26, 2021
- Organized Seven Days Online Workshop for UGC-NET/JRF (September 3rd to September 10th, 2020) at School of Management Sciences Varanasi