Home Faculty Core Faculty – JBS Dr. Yogita Dwivedi
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Name : Dr. Yogita Dwivedi
Qualifications : Ph.D. (Management – Finance), MBA (Finance & Marketing), MA (Economics). UGE-NET (Management)
Work Experience : 9+ years
Research Interests : Economics & Finance
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Dr. Yogita Dwivedi, currently working with JBS Noida, has over 9+ years of academics’ experience. She has received her Doctoral degree in Management (Finance) from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad and dual master’s degree (MBA) in Finance and Marketing from U.P. Technical University and (M.A.) in Economics from University of Allahabad. She has qualified UGC-NET in Management discipline. She has published research articles in various repudiated National and International journals and presented papers in various National and International conferences.
Paper Published in International/ National Journals:
- Dwivedi, Y. 2023 A Review of Techno-Fundamental Analysis in Identifying Stock. Sanskruti International Multidisplinary Research Journal. Volume 8, Issue 3, 35-44
- Dwivedi, Y. & Nandan, T. (2022). Does Frequent Buy-Back Announcement Increase Shareholder Value: With Special Reference to Indian I.T. Company. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI), 12(10), October 2021: 660-674. (Scopus Indexed).
- Dwivedi, Y., Nandan, T., & Agrawal, P. R. (2022). The Pricing Behaviour on Buying-back IT Companies’ shares in India. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6(2), 5280-5288. (Scopus Indexed).
- Dwivedi, Y. (2016). "Flipkart & Myntra Deal: An Analysis". SAMIKSHA. Vol. VII, Issue. 2, December 2016: 42-44. ISSN: 0975-7708.
- Dwivedi, Y. (2014). Globalization and Economic Asymmetric in India (with special reference to agricultural sector)". SANKALPANA: An International Multidisciplinary Refereed Journal, Vol. 2, June 2014: .75-82 ISSN: 2379-4034
- Dwivedi, Y. (2011). "Virtual International Business: An Overview". The Quest, ICFAI University, Vol. 1, Issue 1, June 2011:34-36.
- Dwivedi, Y. (2011). "Directional Shift of India's Foreign Trade: A Critical Study". Journal of Business and Economics, January 2011, Volume- IV.
Paper published in Conference proceedings:
- Agrawal, P. R., & Dwivedi, Y (2019). Buy-back of Shares in India: A Comparative Study on Pricing Behaviour of Shares of Indian IT Companies in Pre, During and Post Offer Durations. Strategic Alliance Between AGBA, Millikin University (USA), IIM-Rohtak (India) and Gift Society (India), 33.
- Agrawal, P. R., & Dwivedi, Y. (2019). An Analysis of TCS Buy-back Offer of Shares: Pre and Post Price Behaviour. 3rd Evidence Based Management (ICEBM) 2019 (pp. 54-57). New Delhi: Excellent Publishing House.
- Dwivedi, Y. (2013). "Relevance of Green Marketing in Indian Corporate Sector" Managing Inclusive Growth: The bottom-up approach for harmonious development, (pp. 312-317), Vol. 1, Pragun Publication. ISBN: 978-93-80397-38-2.
- Dwivedi, Y. (2012). Role of Rural Nonfarm Activities in Economic Development in India: An Analysis" Sustainable Rural Development in India Challenges and Strategies. Vol.:1, (pp. 237- 242) Bhawna printers and publishers Pvt. Ltd. Jhanshi, ISBN: 978-81-920714-8-0.
National/ International Conference:
- Dwivedi, Y. (2021). An Analysis of Pre, During & Post Offer Price-Discovery of Infosys on BSE". International Conference on Advances in Management and Technological Innovation Impacting Industries: III 2021 at School of Management Studies, MNNIT Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
- Dwivedi, Y. (2019). "Buy-back of Shares in India: A Comparative Study on Pricing Behaviour of Shares of Indian I.T. Companies in Pre, During and Post Offer Durations" AGBA's 16th World Conference on "Business and Entrepreneurship Development in a Globalized and Digitalized Era" organized by Academy for Global Business Advancement, State of Texas, USA in association with Indian Institute of Management Rohtak and Millikin University, USA at IIT Delhi, New Delhi during July 2-4, 2019.
- Dwivedi, Y. (2019). " Buy-back of Shares: An Analysis of Indo-US Regulatory Framework and Pre, During and Post-Offer Price- Discovery of Infosys on BSE." National Conference on Innovations in Business Practices at IMS, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on March 2nd, 2019.
- Dwivedi, Y. (2019). An Analysis of TCS Buy-back Offer of Shares: Pre & Post Price Behaviour. ICEBM 2019 - International Conference on Evidence-Based Management at BITS Pilani, Rajasthan. (In absentia) during February 1-2, 2019.
- Dwivedi, Y. (2018). Buy-Back Offer of Infosys Shares: A Pre and Post Analysis of Pricing Behaviour. 2nd Annual Conference on Banking and Finance “Towards a sustainable Financial system” at International Management Institute, Bhubaneshwar during August 24-25, 2018.
- Dwivedi, Y. (2014). "FDI Inflows in India: Trends & Concepts" National conference “Innovative Trends in Modern Business Management” organized by United Institute of Management, Allahabad during April 5, 2014. 2013 "Green Marketing in India: An Overview" National conference “Global Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-recession Era: A Managerial Perspectives” organized by BHU, Varanasi during April 13- 14, 2013.
- Dwivedi, Y. (2013). "Relevance of Green Marketing in Indian Corporate Sector" International conference Managing Inclusive Growth: The bottom-up approach for Harmonious development organized by IBA, Greater Noida during March 15-16, 2013.
- Dwivedi, Y. (2012). "Role of TQM on Customer Satisfaction in Service Industry: A Literature Review" National conference “Business Restructuring: Creating Values in Global Era” organized by United Institute of Management, Allahabad during April 13, 2012.
- Dwivedi, Y. (2012) "Role of Rural Nonfarm Activities in Economic Development in India: An Analysis" National conference Rural Development in India: Challenges and Opportunities for Inclusive Growth” organized by Bundelkhand University during March 16-17, 2012.
- Dwivedi, Y. (2012). "Role of FDI in Indian Telecom Sector" International conference “Emerging Indian Economy: Opportunities and Challenges” organized BBS Group of Institutions in association with SHIATS and Allahabad Management Association during February 11- 12, 2012.
- Dwivedi, Y. (2011). "Role of Insurance Market for Farmers in India" National Conference "Insurance Industry in India Agenda for Future" organized by Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during April 16-17, 2011
- Dwivedi, Y. (2011). "Trend of Small Medium Forestry Enterprises in India: A Critical Analysis" International conference on Business and Technology organized by IAMS and FRI University, Dehradun during November 04-05, 2011.
- Dwivedi, Y. (2011). "Financial Inclusion and Growth of Indian Banking System" International conference India Emerging: Opportunities and Challenges organized by IBA, Greater Noida during February 25-26, 2011.