JBS Faculty

Name : Dr. Shikha Agnihotri
Qualifications : Ph.D. (HR), MBA (HR), UGC-NET
Work Experience : more than 24 years
Research Interests : Perceived Employability, Employability Skills, Career Management
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Dr. Shikha Agnihotri is currently serving as an Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) at Jaypee Business School, JIIT, Noida. With more than 12 years of combined experience in corporate and academic sectors, she is a dedicated researcher and a passionate educator. Her research interests encompass HR analytics, employability, competency mapping, and skill gap analysis of management students. Proficient in data analysis tools such as SMARTPLS, Jamovi, and SPSS, she has practical experience in utilizing these tools for research purposes. Additionally, Dr. Agnihotri has conducted several workshops on using SMARTPLS for research to assist fellow researchers in their endeavors.


ORCID - 0000-0001-8715-3357

Web of Science Researcher ID - GNM-5310-2022

Google Scholar ID - Dq8MuC4AAAAJ

Papers published in Refereed Journals:

  1. Agnihotri, Shikha; Shiva, Atul; Kalia, Prateek 2024; Investigating the interplay of organizational social capital, university image and perceived employability on career satisfaction of information technology professionals, Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 14(4), pp. 884–907 (ABDC-B, Scopus Indexed Journal).
  2. Agnihotri, Shikha; Malhan, Shivani; Singh, Anurag Bhadur; 2023, The Emergence of Social Media as an antecedent of Employability: A PLS-SEM Approach Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management 16, (5), 57-73 (ABDC-C, Scopus Indexed Journal).
  3. Agnihotri, Shikha; Shiva, Atul; Khan, Farha Naz 2022; Investigating forms of graduate capital and their relationship to perceived employability: an application of PLS predict and IPMA    Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 13(1),179-197,  (ABDC-B, Scopus Indexed Journal).
  4. Agnihotri, Shikha; Sareen, Puja; Sivakumar, P; 2020, Student perceived employability with reference to media studies: validating A model of key determinants Journal of Content Community and Communication 12, (6), 30-41 (ABDC-B, Scopus Indexed Journal).
  5. Malhan, Shivani; Mewafarosh, Rekha; Agnihotri, Shikha; 2023, The role of artificial intelligence constructs of perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use towards satisfaction and trust, which influence consumers’ loyalty and repurchase intention of sports shoes in India,  International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications 15, (9)  (ABDC-C, Scopus Indexed Journal)

Papers published in Scoups/Edited Books:

  1. Agnihotri, Shikha; Tyagi, Pallavi; Yadav, Nikhil; Malhan, Shivani; 2024, Determining the Impact of Technology-enabled Learning Resources and University Initiatives to Enhance Perceived Employability− A PLS-SEM Approach, 14, Advanced Learning and Teaching in Higher Education in India: A Policy-technology-capacity Enabled Approach, 239-259, River Publishers (Scopus Indexed Book)
  2. Gahlot, Pooja; Sachdeva, Kanika; Agnihotri, Shikha; Giri, Jagat Narayan; 2024, Influence of Behavioral Biases on Investor Decision?Making in Delhi?NCR, Deep Learning Tools for Predicting Stock Market Movements, 363-389,  John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ, USA (Scopus Indexed Book)
  3. Agnihotri, Shikha; Mewafarosh, Rekha; Malhan, Shivani; 2024, Emergence of AI in Education: A Way Forward for Societal Development Artificial Intelligence and Society 5.0: Issues, Opportunities, and Challenges  2024, DOI - 10.1201/9781003397052-7 (Scopus Indexed Book)
  4. Agnihotri, Shikha; Mewafarosh, Rekha; Malhan, Shivani; 2024, Enabling Sustainability in Higher Education via Perceived Employability, University Commitment, Perceived Organisational Prestige and Student Satisfaction: A Pls-Sem Approach Sustainable Development Goals: The Impact of Sustainability Measures on Wellbeing, 113, 17-39, Emerald Publishing Limited, (Scopus Indexed Book)
  5. Mewafarosh, Rekha; Naeem, Farah; Malhan, Shivani; Agnihotri, Shikha; 2024, Exploring The Linkage Between Sustainability and Well-Being at the Workplace: The Prisma Approach Sustainability Development through Green Economics, 114, 39-53, Emerald Publishing Limited, (Scopus Indexed Book)
  6. Agnihotri, Shikha; Sareen, Puja; Sivakumar, P, 2018, Developing a Comprehensive Competency Mapping Model: Linking Organizational Goals, Competencies, and Strategy-Driven HR Functions Asian Journal of Business Management, (UGC Approved Journal)
  7. Agnihotri, Shikha; Sareen, Puja; Sivakumar, P, 2019, Role of Higher Education Institutes in Fostering Employability Readiness in Graduates: A Review Editorial Book ISBN: 978-93-86453-92-1
  8. Agnihotri, Shikha; Sareen, Puja; Sivakumar, P, 2020, Role of Competencies in Employability Readiness of Graduates: A Review, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Vol 5, Issue 4, (UGC Approved Journal)
  9. Case Study Published in UK Case Center: Critical Thinking Skills as a Key to Attaining Employment, UK Center, Case Study, Oct. 2020

Presentations in International/National Conferences:

  1. 12th International Conference on "Digitalization as Vehicle for Innovation, Organizational Growth and Effectiveness  Identifying skill gaps in management students: A study of trilateral perspective  Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior on 21st Dec. 2020
  2. National Conference on "Paradigm Shift in Management Practices for Fostering Excellence" Role of Higher Education institutes in fostering employability readiness in graduates: A Review  New Delhi Institute of Management on 2nd Feb. 2019
  3. Research Paper Presentation   "Perceived Employability: Development and Validation of an Integrated Scale"  IIT Roorkee on 19th Nov. 2019
  4. Global Leadership Research Conference "Contribution of Higher Education in Stimulating Student Employability" Amity University on 27th Feb. 2019
  5. International Conference on Management 4.0: Disruptions in Business and Millennials at the Workplace  Role of competencies in employability readiness of graduates: A ReviewKrupanidhi Group of Institutions on 12th Oct. 2018
  6. International Conference on Facets of Business Excellence  Antecedents of employability readiness: A study of competencies and academic performance of management graduates IMT Ghaziabad on 23rd Nov. 2018
  7. Doctoral Colloquium  Developing A Comprehensive Competency Mapping Model: Linking Organizational Goals, Competencies and Strategy Driven HR functions University of Petroleum Studies, Dehradun on 18th Nov. 2017.

Workshops Conducted as a resource person:

  1. Delivered a session on “measurement model analysis” and “model building in SmartPLS software” in Chandigarh University on 19th & 20th July 2022.
  2. Delivered a session on “Univariate Analysis in SPSS” in Sushant University on 30th August 2022.
  3. Delivered a value added program (VAPS) on HR Analytics in Chandigarh University from 1-15 Nov 2022.